
  • 网络Topological Quantum Computing;topological quantum computation;Topological Quantum Computers
  1. 我们还构造了类重整化群的量子编译算法,从而在理论上达到了任意精度的拓扑量子计算。

    Besides , we propose a renormalization-group-like algorithm for quantum compiling , and thus theoretically obtain arbitrarily accurate topological quantum computation .

  2. 实现容错量子计算的另一个途径是拓扑量子计算,但是常用的拓扑比特不能完成通用量子计算。

    The other way to realize fault-tolerant quantum computation is topological quantum computation .

  3. 同时我们对拓扑量子计算算法中的自由度也作了探索。

    We also exploit the degrees of freedom in topological quantum comput-ing algorithms .

  4. 然而在庞大的辫子空间中有效地构造普适的拓扑量子计算门并非易事。

    However , it is not easy at all to effectively construct universal quantum gates from the huge space of braids .

  5. 总结了近期对几何与拓扑量子计算领域的研究结果。

    We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic . This article summarizes the recent results about geometric and topologic quantum computation .

  6. 由于辫子拓扑的离散性,拓扑量子计算具有内在的容错能力,局域的微扰不影响拓扑量子信息的存储与处理。

    Due to the discreteness of braid topology , topological quantum computation is intrinsically fault-tolerant , and local disturbances do not affect the storage and process of topological quantum information .