
bào zhǎng
  • soar;boom;bulge;fresh;rise suddenly and sharply
暴涨 [bào zhǎng]
  • (1) [rise suddenly and sharply]∶突然猛烈增高水位

  • 河水暴涨

  • (2) [soar]∶激增到不寻常的或空前的水平

  • 物价暴涨

暴涨[bào zhǎng]
  1. 在不久的未来,可以预见由于Internet技术源于不同目的的扩展,数据流量会出现一个暴涨期。

    In the near future , it is foreseeable that the data traffic boom will be coming due to the expansion of Internet technology for different purposes .

  2. 这些股票今天可能暴涨

    These stocks may Boom ( / shoot up ) today

  3. 大雨过后,河水暴涨。

    After heavy rain , the river was in spate .

  4. 去年,物价暴涨60%。

    Prices jumped by 60 % last year .

  5. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。

    The Thames was in spate , with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver .

  6. 股市的股票价格暴涨。

    Shares soared on the stock exchange

  7. 8月份的注册人数突然暴涨,现在已经达到了年注册量的四分之一。

    August registrations have gone ballistic , accounting now for a quarter of the annual total .

  8. 他们抗议物价暴涨。

    They were protesting soaring prices

  9. 物价暴涨。

    Prices soared . ; Prices skyrocketed .

  10. 河水暴涨。

    The river suddenly rose .

  11. 食品价格暴涨。

    There has been a jump in the price of food .

  12. 本月所有股票的价格都已暴涨。

    All stock prices have jumped up this month .

  13. 昨天美国金融市场的股票暴涨。

    Shares rose sharply on Wall Street yesterday .

  14. 一次,河水暴涨。

    One day , the water in the rivers suddenly rose .

  15. 谁知到了夜里,澭河的水暴涨,水位升高。

    But when night came , the water in the Yong River suddenly rose ;

  16. 他们抗议物价暴涨

    They were protesting soaring prices .

  17. SO(10)GUT暴涨宇宙模型

    SO ( 10 ) GUT Inflationary Universe Scenario

  18. 两大巨头合并的官方申明宣布之前的周三,当日交易时间结束的最后45分钟内,baesystems的股票暴涨。

    BAE Systems shares soared in the last 45 minutes of trading Wednesday before the announcement was made official .

  19. 这不能保证消除ipo首日价格暴涨的现象,但可能有所助益。

    This would not ensure the elimination of a first-day pop in the IPO shares but it could help .

  20. 中国股市的暴涨已令中国证券监管机构十分不安,甚至也引起了部分通过首次公开招股(IPO)筹集资金的企业的忧虑。

    The dramatic rise in equity valuations has unsettled China 's securities regulators and even some companies raising funds via IPOs .

  21. 油价暴涨,催生脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐(MES)走向市场自动电位滴定法测定脂肪酸甲酯磺酸钠中二钠盐的含量

    Measurement of content of di-sodium salt in sodium fatty acid methyl ester sulfonate by automatic electric potential titration

  22. 这家公司的母公司,日本上市企业SunCorp过去一周里股票暴涨逾60%。

    Shares in the company 's Japan-listed parent , Sun Corp , have leapt more than 60 per cent in the past week .

  23. 2005年,国际原油价格暴涨,催生以棕榈油为原料的MES走向市场。

    In 2005 , skyrocketed prices of crude oil internationally induced MES made from palm oil entering into market .

  24. 调查公司JupiterMedia称,在2003年暴涨77%之后,这个行业去年的收入仅增长7%,只达到5.16亿美元。

    After surging by 77 per cent in 2003 , the industry 's revenues grew by only 7 per cent last year to $ 516m , according to Jupiter Media .

  25. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)表示,2008年油价暴涨期间,油价在每桶超过120美元时开始拖累股市。

    Morgan Stanley said that the oil spike of 2008 acted as a drag on equities only once oil rose above $ 120 a barrel .

  26. 一开始,随着投资者寻求避险,信用违约互换(CDS)一种规避企业债务违约的保险形式价格暴涨。

    For a start , the price of credit default swaps , a form of insurance against companies defaulting on debt , went through the roof as investors took cover .

  27. 在纽约上市的稀有元素资源公司(RareElementResources)股价在过去四周内飙升135%,自今年1月以来暴涨近300%,而根据其最新监管申报文件,该公司2009年只有两名全职雇员。

    Shares in Rare Element Resources , a New York-listed company that had only two full-time employees in 2009 , according to its latest regulatory filing , have risen 135 per cent during the past four weeks and nearly 300 per cent since January .

  28. 最近几个月,由于投资者预期中国央行(PBoC)会进一步放松货币政策以应对疲软的增长,中国股市一直处于暴涨之中。

    Expectations that the central bank will respond to weakening growth with further monetary easing has propelled China 's equity market in recent months .

  29. 特别是eBay在线拍卖行第一季度获得收益超过4760万美元,比去年暴涨94%。

    Case in point , eBay , the online auction house posted first quarter revenues of over 476 million dollars , a 94 % jump from last year .

  30. 我们此前曾指出,中国对iPhone5的需求将暴涨,因为我们相信iPhone4和iPhone4S用户会纷纷升级手机。

    . we have previously indicated that we expected a big uptick in China demand with the iPhone 5 as we believe both iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S owners will upgrade .