
  • 网络Exposure level;Emerging Degree
  1. 泥沙颗粒暴露度与等效粒径研究

    Relative exposure degree and equivalent grain size of non-uniform sediment

  2. 床沙非均匀性对河床冲刷深度有一定影响,泥沙非均匀程度越大,则较粗颗粒的暴露度大,同样水流作用下的冲刷水深也越大。

    The more nonuniform the sediment is , the greater the scour depth becomes .

  3. 回顾了对暴露度的研究现状及存在的问题。提出了一种定义暴露度的方法及其计算式,同时得到了计算暴露度Δ及暴露度系数ξ的表达式。

    The expressions for calculation of exposure degree Δ and exposure coefficient ξ are proposed .

  4. 犯罪社会学中的间接约束因素指犯罪暴露度与文化规范。

    The indirect restriction factor refers to uncovery extent of committing crime and culture criterion .

  5. 那些最有经验和睾丸素暴露度最高的交易者比那些经验和睾丸素暴露度最低的交易者多赚约六倍的钱。

    Those with the most experience and testosterone exposure earned about six times as much as those with the least .

  6. 结果表明,该系数并非为一个常数,而是在一定的范围内,且随床面上颗粒的相对暴露度而变。

    It is found that the coefficient is not a constant but locating in a range and is dependent on the relative exposed extent of sediment .

  7. 从泥沙起动的特点出发,将瞬时作用流速、起动标准、泥沙颗粒在床面的相对暴露度及附加质量力等影响因素同时引入到推移质泥沙起动中,使分析泥沙起动时考虑的因素更加全面。

    The effects of instantaneous velocity , incipient standard , relative exposed extent and additional mass are considered simultaneously in analyzing the incipient of sediment on riverbed .

  8. 结果表明,在起动状态一定时,该系数并非为一个常量,而是介于某个区间,且随颗粒在床面上的相对暴露度的变化而变。

    The calculation result indicates that for a given starting condition , the coefficient is not a constant , but varies with the relative exposure degree of grain .

  9. 并对不同粒径,在床面不同位置的暴露度、暴露度系数及等效粒径进行了计算。

    Calculations of exposure degree , exposure coefficient and equivalent grain size for grains with various size located at different position relative to the riverbed are carried out .

  10. 本论文所述的基于内容的视频皮肤检测方法就是要对视频中的皮肤进行有效的检测,并估计视频的皮肤暴露度,为相关人员提供初步的判断标准。

    The content based video skin detection system presented in this paper is designed to recognize skin regions in videos , compute the skin exposure degrees and provide some brief judgments .

  11. 该公式的系数并非一个常量,而是位于某个区间,且随泥沙粒径、相对暴露度及起动标准而变。

    The results show that the coefficient of the formula is not a constant but varies in a range with the diameter , relative exposure degree and incipient status of grain .

  12. 通过对附加质量力的概念及表达式和相对暴露度参数的引入,推得了非均匀沙起动公式。

    In this paper , the formula of calculating threshold velocity of non uniform sediment is established in consideration of their relative degree of expose , and the additional mass force , etc.

  13. 提出了一种计算推移质输沙率的方法及公式,该公式表明,在水流强度一定时,输沙率并非为一个常量,而是随颗粒在床面的相对暴露度而变。

    The formula shows the transport rate is not a constant but varies with the relative exposure degree of particles that lying on riverbed when the flow intensity is at fixed value .

  14. 对非均匀沙,当相对暴露度系数一定时,大于平均粒径的泥沙颗粒的等效粒径较同等粒径均匀沙的等效粒径小,容易起动;

    It is concluded that the equivalent size of particles larger than average diameter in non uniform sediment movement is smaller than that for uniform sediment movement if the exposure coefficient is constant .

  15. 文章将非均匀沙水流起动研究方法中采用的暴露度的概念引入到天然风沙起动的研究中,对暴露度的统计规律进行了分析。

    The exposure degree conception used in research on water flow with non-uniform sands was applied for the blown sand jump-start study , and the exposure degree was analyzed by a statistical method .

  16. 结果表明,该系数并非一个常量,而是介于某个区间,且随起动状态及颗粒在床面相对暴露度的变化而变.对弱动无因次切应力数为0.0291~0.0582;

    Coefficients in the formula were calculated based on the value of some parameters , which is not a constant , but vary from 0.029 1 to 0.058 2 for weak motion of bed load .

  17. 通过试验资料验证的结果表明,在坡面粘性泥沙的起动中,考虑暴露度和粘性是合理的。

    It shows that the calculated results are well agree with the experiment data , and the exposure degree of binding power acting on incipient motion of cohesion non-uniform sediment on sloping land is reasonable .

  18. 本文从截流抛石在河床面上接触边界分析出发,引入相对暴露度Δ和倾斜度θ两个指标来描述抛投块石在床面的物理特征;

    In this paper , the grazing boundary of riprap and riverbed is analysed . The opposite exposure level Δ and its degree of inclination θ are introduced to describe the physical character of the riprap on riverbed .

  19. 本文针对卵石颗粒及其起动特点,考虑卵石颗粒形状的影响,引入形状系数及相对暴露度系数,从卵石的等效粒径出发,采用滚动起动模式,导出了卵石起动流速公式。

    Aiming at the grain of pebble and its incipient characteristic , considering the influence of pebble shape and the relative exposure degree , the formula of calculating the incipient velocity of pebbles is deduced based on the equivalent grain size of pebble and the rolling incipient mode .

  20. 花旗在亚洲第三季度的收入减少7%,而北美则下跌42%。由于之前采取了大规模的增长策略,导致花旗在市场的暴露度过高,如果全球经济继续衰退,花旗的形势会更加恶化。

    Citi 's third quarter revenue fell 7 percent in Asia , compared to a 42 percent fall in North America , though its explosure to emerging markets once it attended of its massive grow strategy could make things even worse in Citi if a global resession does take hold .

  21. 脐带在胎儿环境污染物暴露危险度评价中的应用

    Application of umbilical cord blood in risk assessment on pollutant exposure in fetuses

  22. 生物标志物在低剂量致癌物暴露危险度评价中的作用

    The Role of Biomarker in Risk Assessment of Low level Exposure of Carcinogen The Exposure Standard

  23. 分析和讨论了基体成分以及复合材料的热暴露对界面粗糙度的影响。

    It is suggested that matrix composition has substantial influence on interfacial roughness , be-cause different interfacial structures are formed by different matrix composition .