
  • 网络The Avenging Fist;Khaleja;kuen sun
  1. 我真的很享受跟他一起拍摄“拳神”,他是个讨人喜欢的演员。

    I really enjoyed working with him on Avenging fist , he 's such an adorable character .

  2. 所以现在你还需要“拳神手套”。

    And that 's why you still need the power glove .

  3. 佩戴“拳神手套”是有很多副作用。

    There are many side effects to using the power glove .

  4. “拳神手套”可以打开“上帝禁区”?

    The power glove can access god 's no access zone ?

  5. “拳神手套”根本没有副作用。

    There are no known side effects to using the power glove .

  6. “拳神手套”对我已经没有用处了。

    I have no use for the power glove anymore .

  7. 你是指“拳神手套”的实验?

    Are you referring to the power glove experiment ?

  8. “拳神手套”一直在损耗我的生命。

    The power glove has been depleting my life .

  9. 我爸爸的那只“拳神手套”是第一代?

    My father 's power glove is from the first generation batch , then ?

  10. 拳神手套的确可以刺激禁区40%的脑细胞。

    The Power Glove was able to trigger 40 % of the dormant brain cells .