
guà lì
  • wall calendar;calendary;wall calendary
挂历 [guà lì]
  • [wall calendar] 挂在墙上用的月历或年历

挂历[guà lì]
  1. 时间及日期设置完成后,LCD显示屏会自动显示对应的星期以及当月挂历。

    Upon completion time and date settings , LCD screen will automatically display the corresponding calendar weeks and month .

  2. 多么可爱的挂历.你从附近拿来的?

    What a lovely calendar . Was this taken around here ?

  3. 靠窗有一本挂历。

    There is a wall calendar near the windows .

  4. 以下是2012年“花运”人体彩绘挂历的封面拍摄场景。

    The following is the cover of2012 " Lucky Flower " Calendar photography .

  5. 甚至还有儿童挂历,孩子们可以在上面亲手涂画。

    There are even calendars for children who can draw the pictures themselves .

  6. 当然,它仍然属于正式根据我的挂历。

    Sure , it 's still officially fall according to my wall calendar .

  7. 你把挂历都挂斜了。

    You 've hung the calendars all cock-eyed .

  8. 她的泳装照、内衣照出现在数以百计的挂历、广告和杂志上。

    She posed in swimsuits and shorts for hundreds of calendars , ads , and magazines .

  9. 我在挂历上画圈数日子,等待着你的归来。

    I counted the days by drawing circles on the calendar , waiting for your return .

  10. ·您愿意将贵公司的商标印在我门的网站上,或者印刷的画册挂历中吗?

    Would you like your company logo to appear on our website and inside our book and calendar ?

  11. 某国有金融服务公司的一名雇员表示,禁止印刷挂历的规定最让他心烦。

    An employee in a state-owned financial services company says a ban on the printing of calendars bothers him most .

  12. 广泛用于食品包装,纸塑的印刷复合,粘胶带、挂历等。

    It is widely used in foodstuff packing , paper / plastic compound printing , adhesive tape , hanging calendar etc.

  13. 经营范围包括纸箱、彩盒、画册、说明书、海报、挂历、台历、礼品盒等。

    Business scope includes carton , box , pictures , brochures , posters , calendars , desk calendar , gift boxes .

  14. 他用本新挂历来换掉旧的,翻到一月一日,仿佛打开了新机会的大门。

    He replaced the old calendar with a new one and turned to 1 January as if to a clean sheet .

  15. 承接中国及海外画册、书籍、杂志、样本、挂历等印刷出版及发行工作。

    Accept printing , publish and issue of domestic and overseas picture album , books , Magazine , catalogue , wall calendar .

  16. 在公布的挂历照片中,满头银发的贝蒂面带笑容,一身绸缎睡衣与半裸上身的猛男一同出镜,风韵犹存。

    In the published calendar photos , silver-haired Betty smiled with a silk pajamas , appearing together with half-naked brisance men , looking still attractive .

  17. 当美国喜剧巨匠杰瑞宋飞还没出名时,他就养成了天天利用挂历和红标识写新内容的习惯。

    When Jerry Seinfeld was an unknown , he created the habit of writing new material daily using a wall calendar and a red marker .

  18. 代理海外客商的各类印刷业务,如:图书、期刊、工作手册、挂历、公司介绍、考卷、练习册等。

    We are printing business agency for overseas customers , including book , periodical , manual , calendar , leaflet , exam paper , exercise book , etc.

  19. 同时开发专版挂历、台历、笔记本、贺卡四项产品作为各大国内企业及外资企业的年末宣传展示。

    It also develops four products of exclusive calendar , desk calendar , notebook and greeting card for the year-end promotion of large companies at home and abroad .

  20. 日历可提供工作组事件(包括会议、社会活动和全天事件)的与台历或挂历类似的可视视图。

    A calendar provides visual views , similar to a desk or wall calendar , of your team events , including meetings , social events , and all-day events .

  21. 因为这家书店在12月31日就要关门了,有些通勤者想要过来买上一本书、一张卡片或一副挂历,以表敬意。

    The store will close its doors on Dec. 31 , and some commuters wanted to buy a book , a card , a calendar , in a show of respect .

  22. 主营项目:纸袋(手拎纸袋、包装纸袋)、挂历、各种纸包装盒。

    Xia men Office ( own factory ) Mainly : Paper bags ( hand paper bags , package paper bags ), calendar , and all kinds of paper boxes ( trimming ) .

  23. 月历挂历台历记事本是各企业、奇迹单元推广本身扩展着名度、建立自体态象的最好要领之一,也是送礼佳品的一个好选择。

    Calendar Calendar Calendar Notepad is that enterprises and institutions to promote their expanded awareness , the best way to establish their own image , is one gift to share a good choice .

  24. 即便是最微不足道的待遇——从果篮到瓜子,从挂历到食用油——也在更精简、更清洁、更节制的新名义下受到遏制。

    Even the most insignificant treats - from fruit baskets to sunflower seeds , calendars to cooking oil - have been curbed in the name of the new leaner , cleaner , more abstemious China .

  25. 即便是最微不足道的待遇从果篮到瓜子,从挂历到食用油也在更精简、更清洁、更节制的新名义下受到遏制。

    Even the most insignificant treats – from fruit baskets to sunflower seeds , calendars to cooking oil – have been curbed in the name of the new leaner , cleaner , more abstemious China .

  26. 墙上钉着的是一些从旧挂历上剪下来的神像,他让孩子们在这面前俯首跪拜,然后发给他们一人一块糖,把他们打发走。

    On the walls he had nailed a few pictures of gods cut out of old calendars , and made the children prostrate themselves in front of them before sending them away with a piece of sugar candy each .

  27. 青春是一本挂历,当你翻到最后一页的时候,你才深深懂得你曾经的拼搏与付出如此光艳夺目,不因你没有虚度光阴而后悔;

    Youth is a wall calendar , when you turn the last page , you only know how deeply the hard work you have to pay so Guangyan with eye-catching , do not waste time because you do not regret ;

  28. 在床的每一侧都有一个精巧的架子:看起来仿佛是一本挂历的日期从墙上翻下来,形成了浓郁粉红色的床头柜。

    By each side of the bed was a clever shelf : it was as if the dates / doors of an advent calendar had been flipped down from the wall , creating two bedside tables in a rich pink colour .

  29. 除了《故宫日历》,其他的文化日历,比如《日历:汉字之美》、《红楼梦日历》、《企鹅新年挂历》等也在市面上非常畅销。

    In addition to the Palace Museum 's datebook , other cultural calendars , such as Calendar : Beauty of Chinese Characters , the Red Chamber Dream calendar and the Penguins 2016 Wall Calendar also have been quite popular on the market . Several cultural calendars are among the Sanlian Taofen Bookstore 's list of bestsellers .