
ɡuà dān
  • Registration;lodge in a temple for night
挂单 [guà dān]
  • [put up at a temple for a short stay] 佛教名词。指行脚僧到寺院投宿。单,指僧堂里的名单;行脚僧把自己的衣挂在名单之下,故称挂单

  • 奴敲小店牢扃户,僧借虚堂径挂单。--宋. 刘克庄《真隐寺》

  1. 这里原是十方丛林,是云游道士挂单的地方。

    Bush was originally 10 side here is the local skies Taoist deity .

  2. 他补充称,交易所应取消对交易员的奖励,例如向挂单者支付一定回扣。

    Inducements from exchanges to traders such as paying a rebate to posters of orders should be abolished , he adds .

  3. 市场上所有挂单的显示。描述的是市场的全部深度,并将所有的买卖价表达出来。

    Designates the " market by order " display , which illustrates the entire depth of the market , displaying each bid and offer at every price level .