
guà niàn
  • miss;be concerned about;unease;lie at sb.'s heart;worry about sb. who is absent
挂念 [guà niàn]
  • [miss] 想念;牵挂

  • 他老人家在日理万机的情况下,却挂念着我这样一个普通的工人,亲自打电话来询问我的情况。--《一件珍贵的衬衫》

挂念[guà niàn]
  1. 我们在一条伟大的航路上,我们需要有人为我们鼓劲,也许我们偶尔累倒想放弃,可是当我们想到身边还有个让我们挂念的一个人,深吸一口气,继续向前走,我相信,总有一个能够停靠的彼岸。

    We are on a great journey . We need someone to be there for us when we are tired and want to give up . Whenever we realize that there is someone we miss so much deep inside , take a deep breath and carry on for I believe there is always a shelter for my soul .

  2. 我挂念母亲和兄弟姊妹。

    I miss my mother , my brothers and sisters .

  3. 母亲总爱挂念自己的子女。

    Mothers typically worry about their children .

  4. 你不必挂念我和休。

    You don 't have to think about me and Hugh .

  5. 她一直挂念着家人;她也许再也听不到他们的消息了。

    She thought constantly about her family ; she might never know what had become of them

  6. 鲍勃一面挂念着丘辟特和皮特的生活状况,一面转身又去睡了。

    Bob turned over to sleep again , wondering how Jupiter and Pete were making out .

  7. 他的挂念化解了她的怒气。

    His unease disarmed her

  8. 那个妇女非常挂念生病的孩子。

    The woman 's concern for her sick child is great .

  9. 全家安好,请勿挂念。

    You will be pleased to know that everyone in the family is well .

  10. 到了就来信,省得我挂念。

    Send me a letter as soon as you arrive so that I won 't worry .

  11. 例:自从他们在冥冥中注定的一晚相遇后,Antoinette一直挂念着那个神秘的牛仔。

    Example : Antoinette had been hung up on that mysterious cowboy since they met one fateful night .

  12. 但是Leatherman心头却挂念着这个问题。

    But it 's very much on Leatherman 's mind .

  13. 但你没有权阻止我挂念爸爸。

    But you can 't stop me from missing my father .

  14. 直到临死前还挂念着自己的初恋。

    Holding on to their first love until their last breath .

  15. 他惦念老父,挂念老母。

    He missed his father ; he longed for his mother .

  16. 你身体有病我很挂念。

    I 'm much concerned to hear of your ill health .

  17. 我不会离开,因为我时常把你挂念。

    I would not leave , I 'm not that mean .

  18. 我很挂念她和迈克。

    I 'm concerned about her , as I am michael .

  19. 呵,告诉我,别让我挂念。

    Oh , tell me , don 't keep me in suspense .

  20. 也许你心里还挂念着你前妻呢。

    Maybe you 're still hung up on your ex-wife .

  21. 没有别的人她挂念着要看到。

    There was no one else she cared to see .

  22. 母亲挂念儿子的健康。

    The mother is concerned with her son 's constitution .

  23. 他们一直是我所挂念的,你知道。

    They 're always in my thoughts , you know .

  24. 我只想告诉他们,我有多挂念他们。

    I just wanted to tell them how much I missed them .

  25. 我们想让你知道我们非常挂念你。

    We want you to know that you 're in our thoughts .

  26. 早上起来时候我就挂念着。

    I think about it as I 'm waking up .

  27. (古语)充满挂念或焦虑。

    ( archaic ) full of cares or anxiety .

  28. 我只是挂念我那小孙女。

    The one I really MSS s my granddaughter .

  29. 事实上,我挂念我的舞台剧演出。

    The fact is I missed my stage play .

  30. 首相时常挂念着国事。

    The affairs of state are constantly on the prime minister 's mind .