
  1. 他的女人在和他低声谈话。

    His wife was talking to him in a low tone .

  2. 那家伙把他的女人带来谈了!

    The man brought his bitch * To the waffle hut !

  3. 告诉德克兰他保护不了他的女人

    " Tell Declan he can 't protect his women . "

  4. 我早该料到他会叫他的女人先来。

    I should 've known he 'd send his bitch first .

  5. 你杀了所有的证人,包括警卫和他的女人。

    You killed all the witnesses inluding the guards and his mistress .

  6. 追捕男人的第一规则:找到他的女人。

    First rule of man hunting : find his woman .

  7. 将他自己交付给一个配得上他的女人。

    To give himself just to the woman who is worth him .

  8. 他的女人没有来这给他加油吗?

    Lsn 't his little woman here to spur him on to glory ?

  9. 得到他的女人真是幸运。

    Whoever gets him is a very lucky woman .

  10. 他根本没有好好看住他的女人。

    He doesn 't even have to keep his eye on the babe .

  11. 他的女人缘一直不怎么样

    He never did have much luck with women .

  12. 他厌恨那个抛弃他的女人。

    He detests the woman who abandoned him .

  13. 不喜欢他的女人,是瞎子。

    A woman who does not is blind .

  14. 因而,男人无法肯定他的女人,当下是在怀春?

    Thus the human male can 't be sure when his sex partner is fertile .

  15. 他要娶一个不合适他的女人。

    He 's marrying the wrong woman .

  16. 他的女人却在牲口后面,用一枝还带叶的树枝儿赶着它走。

    His wife urged the animal on from behind with branches still covered with leaves .

  17. 阿德玛要他的女人保持沉默。

    Adhemar wants his women silent .

  18. 作为补偿,他努力用其他东西来取悦他的女人。

    To compensate , he strove to impress his lady love with a host of other endowments .

  19. 葛朗台一眼瞥见桌布上有那么些糖,便打量着他的女人。

    Grandet noticed the lumps of sugar on the table-cloth ; he looked narrowly at his wife .

  20. 这点上,不仅说明这个局长不错,还说明其实他的女人们也都不错。

    On this point , this bureau chief is pretty good and so too are his women .

  21. 当那个解雇他的女人自己也丢了,工作时,他禁不住有点幸灾乐祸。

    He couldn 't resist a small gloat when the woman who sacked him lost her own job .

  22. 男人一生当中,最需要什么?财富?荣誉?还是一直陪伴他的女人。

    In a whole life , what shall we real need ? money ? honor ? or his girl ?

  23. 他的女人好象泄了气似的躺在靠近壁炉的那张破床上,脸上露出惊讶的神情。

    His wife had sunk back on the bed near the fireplace , with a face indicative of astonishment .

  24. 他的女人,从灶下急急走出,睁着眼睛,嘴唇有些发抖。

    His wife came out from the kitchen in a hurry with her eyes real open and lips shaking .

  25. 一个优秀的男人会围绕自己画一个圈,并照顾那些圈内的人,他的女人,他的孩子。

    A good man draws a circle around himself and cares for those within , his woman , his children .

  26. 1901年2月,卡萨吉玛斯独自一人回到巴黎,然后当着那位抛弃他的女人的面开枪自杀。

    In February 1901 Casagemas had returned to Paris alone and shot himself in front of the woman who had jilted him .

  27. 他们到地里后,刺猬告诉他的女人该呆的地方,然后他就往头上走去。

    With that they arrived at the field , the hedgehog showed his wife her place , then he went to the top of the field .

  28. 一个男人最自豪的不是他一生拥有过多少女人,而是他的女人肯为他拒绝多少男人。

    A man the most proud of is not how many women with his life , but his women willing to he refused to how many men .

  29. 她的男性意向会用丰盛的酒菜款待他的女人,带她去参观画廊,让她着迷得不会思考,直到他突然变心为止。

    The Libra animus will wine and dine his woman , take her to art galleries and charm her silly until he hits one of his fickle spells .

  30. 如果男人不知道他的女人何时排卵,(发生在生理周期中间),那么他们可能会被诱导留在女人周围并且帮助照顾孩子。

    If men had no idea when women were ovulating ,( which occurs in mid cycle ), then they might be induced to stay around and care for offspring .