
  • 网络Their story;Some Kind of Wonderful
  1. 他们的故事会使你感动得落泪。

    Their story will move you to tears .

  2. 伍德为他们的故事勾勒出了一个合理的梗概。

    Wood roughed out a possible framework for their story .

  3. 一本题为《金色十三》的新书讲述了他们的故事。

    Their story is the subject of a new book titled ' The Golden Thirteen ' .

  4. “有时会出错,但大多数时候是不会出问题的,”斯旺森说,她建议从孩子6至8岁左右就开始对是否发布他们的故事或照片征得他们的许可。

    " Sometimes it goes wrong , but most of the time it doesn 't , " says Swanson , who recommends starting to ask children permission to post narratives or photos around ages 6 to 8 .

  5. 今天早上,这些年轻人在节目中讲述了他们的故事。

    Appearing on Today this morning , the young men retold their story .

  6. 他们的故事既有趣又悲伤。

    Their story is both funny and sad .

  7. 我设想他们的故事会带我踏上一段魔幻之旅,带我进入《达芬奇密码》(DaVinciCode)那样的世界。

    I thought their tales would take me on a magical journey into a kind of Da Vinci Code world .

  8. EF英孚学生和老师,分享他们的故事!

    EF students and teachers share their stories .

  9. 你的地盘你说话!EF英孚学生和老师,分享他们的故事!

    Now it 's your turn to talk ! EF students and teachers share their stories .

  10. 现在来讲一下词语和他们的故事——VOA特别英语节目,美国表达方式。

    Now , WORDS AND THEIR STORIES - a VOA Special English program about American expressions .

  11. 首先,我想感谢Stacey,Julia和Destiney跟我们分享他们的故事,希望你们都一切平安。

    First of all , I want to thank Stacey , Julia , and Destiney for sharing their stories , and I wish you all the best .

  12. 安杰垂下头,说了他们的故事。

    He dropped his head down and told me their stories .

  13. 它们当下活出他们的故事,

    They only know the moments that make up their story ,

  14. 一些地区很少用文字记录他们的故事。

    Then there were places where stories are rarely written down .

  15. 如今,是时候让更多的人知道他们的故事了。

    It is time their story was given a wider airing .

  16. 他们的故事告诉我们,爱真的很伟大。

    Their stories tell us love is really the greatest thing .

  17. 你可以在我们的网站上找到他们的故事和照片。

    You can find their stories and photos on our website .

  18. 贾鹤鹏在一次农民交流项目中倾听了他们的故事。

    Jia Hepeng heard their stories during a farmers'exchange programme .

  19. 下面,来自该医院的四名卫生工作者讲述他们的故事。

    Below , four health workers from the hospital tell their stories .

  20. 你怎么会认为他们的故事不浪漫?

    How can you not think their story was romantic ?

  21. 因为他们的故事是美国历史的一部分。

    She says their stories are part of American history .

  22. 他把他们的故事连在一起写成一个连贯的报导。

    He welded their stories into a single coherent account .

  23. 蒂帕嬷挑战那些信任并且执著他们的故事的学生。

    Dipa Ma challenged students belief in and attachment to their stories .

  24. 他们的故事由很多的细节修饰着。

    They embellish their stories with far too much detail .

  25. 这些社区群体不希望他们的故事被报道,

    These communities who don 't want their stories to be told ,

  26. 我打赌现在你想听听他们的故事了。

    Bet you want to hear their story now .

  27. 他们的故事里更多的不是敌对而是趣味。

    Their story is more of a fun story than an antagonistic story .

  28. 而我这时便挑选犹太人之外,第二大群的人并告出他们的故事。

    I picked the largest minority besides the Jewish to raise awareness for .

  29. 为每个愿意倾听的人讲述他们的故事。

    Tell their story to anyone who will listen .

  30. 别人的话纵然又枯燥又无知,总会有他们的故事。

    even the dull and the ignorant ; they too have their story .