
  1. “他是谁?”——“天晓得。”

    ' Who 's he ? ' — ' God knows . '

  2. 这个男子让人感到有些熟悉,但是希尔斯滕一时认不出他是谁。

    Something about the man was familiar , although Hillsden could not immediately place him

  3. 警察知道他是谁后,便向他要了签名,然后只给了他个警告就放他走了。

    When police realised who he was , they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning .

  4. 我很想知道他是谁,从哪里来,来干什么。

    I wonder who he is , where he came from and why he came .

  5. 他是谁?

    Who is he ?

  6. 我要找出干这件事的人,不管他是谁。

    I 'll find the person who did this , whoever he is .

  7. 我不在乎他是谁,西尔弗说,

    I don 't care who he is , said Silver .

  8. 西尔弗船长?船长问。他是谁?

    Capn Silver ? said the captain.Who is he ?

  9. 好吧,告诉我他是谁,我好打他一顿。

    Well , who is this man ? So I can kick his arse .

  10. John没有选择他是谁的权利

    John didn 't ask to be what he is .

  11. 我既不记得他是谁,也不知道测定M-3的方法,但我认为这些数据的确有用。

    I do not remember who he was nor do I know a way to determine it myself but I do think the numbers are useful .

  12. 剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)高能物理学教授、参与了CERN实验的帕克(AndyParker)说,当时的看法就像是在浓雾中看到了一个人,你知道有个人在那里,但不确定他是谁。

    The view back then ' was like seeing a person in a fog ─ you knew there was a person there but you weren 't sure who it was , ' said Andy Parker , a professor of high energy physics at the University of Cambridge who is involved in the CERN experiments .

  13. 不管他是谁都很高明。

    Whoever he is , chancellor , he 's very good .

  14. 这个艾伯特到底是什么人?他是谁呀?

    Who is this albert , anyway ? Who is he ?

  15. 你总是说帕皮,帕皮,他是谁?

    You keep saying Puppy , Puppy ? Who is he ?

  16. 你并不知道他是谁,是吧?

    You don 't know who he is , do you ?

  17. 我根本不知道他是谁

    I don 't even know who the fuck he is .

  18. 我不知道他是谁他在哪

    I don 't know who he is or where he is

  19. 这个无名氏你知道他是谁吗?

    This Wu ming & do you know who this is ?

  20. 那个穿绿衣服的男孩子&他是谁啊?

    That boy in the green coat & who is he ?

  21. 你为什么就不能告诉我他是谁呢?

    Why can 't you just tell me who it is ?

  22. 当时我根本不理会他是谁的儿子。

    I didn 't give a shit whose son he was .

  23. 今晚我们无法查出他是谁。

    We 're not gonna find out who it was tonight .

  24. 他是谁?从哪里来?

    Who is he ? From where has he come from ?

  25. “他是谁?”士兵问。

    Who was that man ? @ the marine asked .

  26. 爸,我也许不知道他是谁。

    Dad , I may not know who he is .

  27. 他是谁?他很生你的气,莫利。

    Is he ? He 's very angry with you , Molly .

  28. 你能查一下他是谁吗?

    Can you try and find out who he is ?

  29. 部长后来被那个人解雇了,你知道他是谁。

    The minister was later to be sacked by you-know-who .

  30. 他是谁的子孙呢?他们回答说:是大卫的子孙。

    They say unto him , The son of David .