
  • 网络there he is;he is there;Where Is He
  1. 正在节期,犹太人寻梢耶稣说,他在那里。

    Then the Jews sought him at the feast , and said , Where is he ?

  2. 王说、他在那里.洗巴对王说、他在罗底巴亚米利的儿子玛吉家里。

    And the king said unto him , Where is he ? And Ziba said unto the king , Behold , he is in the house of Machir , the son of Ammiel , in Lodebar .

  3. 他在那里工作了二十多年。

    He 's worked there for twenty-odd years .

  4. 他在那里有一栋房子,但在河上游几英里处。

    He has a house down there but it 's miles up river

  5. 是我发现了他在那里。

    It was I who found him there

  6. 可以这么说,他在那里有过一两次不愉快。

    It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there

  7. 他在那里弄得很臭。

    He has earned a bad name for himself there .

  8. 他在那里开了个小店。

    He keeps an inn there .

  9. 他在那里屡遭羞辱。

    There he suffered many humiliations .

  10. 他在那里任教达40多年。

    He was on the faculty there for over forty years .

  11. 据说他在那里干得不错。

    They say he is doing well there .

  12. 30多年前,他在那里买了一栋房子,但2010年,这个村庄将被拆除。

    He bought a house there over 30 years ago , but in 2010 the village was to be pulled down .

  13. Pa的飞机频繁地出没于津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的机场,并且他在那里购置大量物业,包括一栋20层高的建筑。

    Mr Pa 's plane frequently showed up at the Harare airport and he bought properties in the capital , including the20-storey Livingstone House .

  14. 他在那里安居下来,平平静静地度过他的余生。

    He settled down there to end his days in quiet .

  15. 你就让他在那里撒谎骗我。

    And you 'd just stand here and let him die .

  16. 他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。

    He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all .

  17. 他在那里意外地发现这本手册的第一版。

    There he chanced on a first edition of the handbook .

  18. 当时他在那里做广告绘画生意。

    Where he had recently opened a sign painting business .

  19. 他在那里见到了德纳第并追踪他。

    There he had caught sight of Thenardier and had followed him .

  20. 他在那里学习武术,但他逐渐对这一受限学科感到不满。

    He studied martial arts but grew restless at the constrained discipline .

  21. 和丹麦大军相比,他在那里所集结的军队是微不足道的。

    The force there assembled was trivial compared with the Danish horde .

  22. 我直截了当地问他在那里做什麽呢。

    I asked him point-blank what he was doing there .

  23. 他在那里,他在雪撬上,看见他了吗?

    He 's there . he 's on the sled , see him ?

  24. 他在那里正一个劲儿在那石墙上用手指划那道凹槽。

    With his finger he marks out a groove in the stone table .

  25. 因为他在那里布好了地雷。

    Because he had put land mines up there .

  26. 当他在那里上中学的时候。

    When he was studying in high schooi there .

  27. 他在那里接连唱了好几小时。

    He sang over there for hours on end .

  28. 他在那里将向整个穆斯林世界发表一篇重要演讲。

    There he 'll deliver a major speech directed to the Muslim world .

  29. 我相信他在那里。

    I do not doubt that he was there .

  30. 但是如果他在那里为什么要抛弃我呢

    But if he was there , then why did he leave me ?