
zhǐ dìnɡ dài lǐ rén
  • appointed agent;authorized agent;agent ad litem
  1. 赔偿请求人丧失行为能力,尚未确定其法定代理人或指定代理人的;

    The compensation claimant loses the capacity to act and the legal or appointed agent thereof hasn 't been determined ;

  2. 我方希望在贵国最主要城市指定代理人,欲在几家报纸上做广告。

    We wish to appoint representatives in the most important towns in your country and intend to advertise in several newspapers .

  3. 业主代表在任何时候均可书面通知承包商将其权力委托给指定代理人。

    By written notice to the contractor , the company representative may at any time delegate any of his authority to any nominated deputy .

  4. 董事长未指定代理人者,由常务董事或董事互推一人代理之。

    In the absence of such a designation , the managing directors or the directors shall elect from among themselves an acting chairman of the board of directors .

  5. 这些立法者和他们指定的代理人难道不属于人类种族吗?

    Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race ?

  6. 这种方法明确规定,由建设业主或由业主指定的代理人组织招标委员会,主要负责评标或承包商的选择。

    This methodology specified that the committee for evaluating bids organized by construction owners or an agent appointed by the owners is mainly responsible for bid evaluation or contractor selection .

  7. 共有房产预售款的支取,必须由共有人会签或由共同指定的代理人代签。

    The withdrawal of the money obtained from the sale of building property in advance must be signed collectively by the joint owners or by an agent designated jointly by the joint owners .

  8. 按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定以受托人名义或其指定的代理人名义登记资产;

    Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws , regulations , as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract ;

  9. 很抱歉,我们已在贵地指定了独家代理人。

    I am sorry , we have already appointed our sole agent In your territory .

  10. 专利代理机构可以根据需要,指派委托人指定的专利代理人承办代理业务。

    If needed , a patent agency may designate a certain patent agent appointed by the consignor to handle the business .

  11. 董事会指定的委托代理人的委托书,(全体董事签名,加盖公章);

    A power of attorney of the clients appointed by the directorate ( signed by all the directors and seal ) .