
  • 网络MACD
  1. 计算MACD首先要选定移动平均线的初值,一般以起始日的收盘价作为指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)的初值。

    Firstly select initial value of moving average to calculate MACD ; we generally consider the close of beginning date as the initial value of EMA .

  2. 对数据预处理后得到的数据进行挖掘,将股市中广泛使用的技术指标如KD指标、指数平滑异同移动平均线MACD、相对强弱指标RSI等引入模型。

    After building the data pre-processing set before data mining , lots of widely used stock market technical indicators such as the KD indicators , similarities and differences between exponential smoothing moving average MACD , Relative Strength Index RSI , will be introduced into the model .