
  • 网络Command and Control;Command & Control;C&C
  1. 文中介绍了利用这种建模技术编制的计算机辅助建模软件,最后以指挥与控制(C2)系统在现代战争过程中的建模为案例,说明了建模技术的实施过程。

    A computer software package for the modeling algorithm is introduced . An example for modeling the command and control systems in warfare process is presented .

  2. ARPA网项目的主要目标是通过能够在各种实际不相似的媒介(包括卫星)上进行通信来提高军事指挥与控制的能力。

    A Major goal of the ARPAnet project was to increase the military 's command and control capability by enabling communication across a variety of physically dissimilar media , including satellites .

  3. 传统的“指挥与控制”领导风格正在被一种充分授权、相互协作的领导风格所取代。

    The old'command-and-control'style is being replaced with an empowering , collaborative style .

  4. 指挥与控制学科建设中需要重点研究的问题

    Key Problems to be Researched in Building of Command & Control Discipline

  5. 关于指挥与控制工程学科的初步探讨

    Exploring on " Command and Control Engineering " Subject

  6. 网络中心战和两栖作战的指挥与控制/最终报告

    Network-Centric Warfare and the Command and Control of Amphibious Operations ; Final rept

  7. 这一指挥与控制的集合给我们提供了强大的势态感知能力。

    That command and control package gives us a lot of situational awareness .

  8. 历史已证明,直接指挥与控制的缺陷与完全放任同等严重。

    History suggests direct command and control is as flawed as complete laisser faire .

  9. 导航指挥与控制系统

    Navigation command and control system

  10. 陈:你怎样看待联合作战中指挥与控制问题的复杂性?

    MR. CHEN : How do you view the complexity of command and control in joint operation ?

  11. 编队协同对地攻击智能指挥与控制系统关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technology of Formation and Cooperation Air-to-ground Attack 's Intelligent Command and Control System

  12. 另一个技术挑战是在不破坏指挥与控制链路的情况下维护非瞄准线通信。

    Gotvald adds that another technical challenge is maintaining non-line-of-sight communications without disrupting command and control links .

  13. 航空航天指挥与控制系统

    Aerospace command and control system

  14. 指挥与控制战,这是一种使敌人的大脑与其军队的身体分离的作战形式。

    Command and control warfare , which is to separate the enemy 's head from the body of his forces .

  15. 所用的工具能够在当地的大街上堂而皇之地买到,一间空房间就能充当指挥与控制的堡垒。

    The tools can be bought on a local high street and the command-and-control bunker can be a spare bedroom .

  16. 以我个人的经验而言,在传统的指挥与控制环境中,更容易通过命令来设定方向。

    From my own experience , I can tell you that it 's much easier to dictate a direction in a traditional command-and-control environment .

  17. 指挥与控制(C~2)系统是C~3I系统的核心部分。

    Command and control systems are the kernel parts of command , control , communi-cation , and inteligence ( C  ̄ 3I ) systems .

  18. 运用复杂混合控制系统层次结构理论,提出了突出人作用的网络中心战层次模型,分析了网络中心战的核心指挥与控制系统。

    A new layer model including man thinker layer about NCW based on the theory of the man-machine hybrid control system is proposed . And the core command and control system of NCW is analyzed .

  19. 通过对时间上敏感的目标的分析确定,打击过程的指挥与控制及注意事项的研究,对一体化作战行动的联合目标选择与打击的相关问题进行了探讨。

    Some issues about integrative selection and striking of combining targets in integrative operation are provided in this way : analyzing and ascertaining time sensitive targets , studying command , control and some problems in striking .

  20. 在现代战争中,如何通过对一方战场综合态势的量化分析与计算,计算出另一方的战场综合态势,以实施有效的指挥与控制,是当前军事家们研究的方向之一。

    In the modern warfare , in order to carry out effective command and control , how to calculate the integrated battlefield situation of one part by way of quantitative analysis and calculation of the other part has been one of the orientations which are researched by current military experts .

  21. 计算机生成的指挥实体模拟指挥员在战场环境中的指挥与控制作用,可以替代人参与大规模的虚拟战场的仿真演练。

    The computer generated command entity can be used to model the command and control process in battlefield , and can take part in large-scale simulation of virtual battlefield .

  22. 指挥控制系统是现代战争中部队实施高效指挥与协调控制的主要手段。

    Military Command and Control System is the main methods to perform effective command and adjust control in the modern warfare .