
  • 网络Index fund;ETF;LOF
  1. 最便宜也最简单的选择之一就是指数型基金。

    The cheapest and easiest alternative is an index fund .

  2. 如果根本不想费神分析年底业绩排名,成份股覆盖范围广的指数型基金仍是不二之选。

    For those of you who don 't want to even bother analyzing the year-end performance rankings , a broad-based index fund remains the obvious choice .

  3. 截止感恩节,交易所交易基金(ETFs)和被动指数型基金吸纳了2060多亿美元净存款,行业领先者先锋集团管理的基金规模在今年夏末突破了3万亿美元大关。

    ETFs and passive index funds took in over $ 206 billion in net deposits through Thanksgiving , and Vanguard surpassed the $ 3 trillion mark sometime in late summer .

  4. 目前在中国,从大的分类上,投资基金分为开放式基金,封闭式基金,货币市场基金,指数型基金,ETF基金,LOF基金,QDII基金。

    Now in China , there are open-ended funds , closed-ended funds , money market funds , index funds , ETF funds , LOF Fund , QDII fund .

  5. 现代金融学大厦是建立在有效市场假说(EMH)基础之上的,主流的金融工具及衍生产品定价均是以EMH为前提假设,指数型基金的发展更是直接得益于有效市场假说的广泛推广。

    The modern finance theory is based on the Efficient Market Theory , which is also the precondition of the mainstream financial instruments and derivates pricing models , and the development of index funds is benefited from the EMH directly .

  6. 毕竟,指数型基金的销售人员或许能笑到最后。

    The Index Tracker salesmen may have the last laugh after all .

  7. 过去十年间,大宗商品指数型基金投资大幅上升。

    Commodity index-fund investment has soared over the last decade .

  8. 指数型基金跟踪误差的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Track Error of Indexation Fund

  9. 更何况,大多数指数型基金确实比其他那些被人为操作的股票表现更佳。

    What 's more , most index funds have actually outperformed their actively managed cousins .

  10. 由于它们不是由高薪经理人来管理,指数型基金可以给投资人带来更高的收益。

    Because they are not managed by high-paid specialists , index funds return more money to their investors .

  11. 同样,部分投资者认准了整体股市指数型基金或整体债市指数型基金等关注某一总体市场的基金。

    Similarly , some investors stick with broad-based funds , such as total-stock-market index funds and total-bond-market index funds .

  12. 其次,一定要充分利用所在公司的退休金帐户计划;同样也是要专注于广泛投资的指数型基金。

    Second , make sure that you are taking full advantage of your workplace retirement account . Again , focus on broad-based index funds .

  13. 虽然许多投资者现在意识到指数型基金的诱人之处,但很少有人意识到典型基金比典型投资者的业绩要好得多。

    While many investors now realise the attractions of tracker funds , few realise that the typical fund does much better than the typical investor .

  14. 不同投资风格基金交易行为有较大差异,成长型、价值型和平衡基金表现为动量交易者,指数型基金总体上表现出反转交易特征。

    The fund transaction behavior differed greatly with different investment styles . The growth funds , value funds and balanced funds appeared to be momentum trading whilst index funds showed reversal trading .

  15. 然而,这种极为糟糕的表现,或许会使指数型基金的销售人员感到高兴,对冲基金公司包括大多数中外合资基金公司可能要面对心存不满的投资者的严厉质问。

    While these stunningly poor results may put a smile on the face of the Index Tracker salesmen , mutual fund providers including most Sino-foreign joint ventures are likely to face tough questions from disgruntled investors .

  16. 虽然对富人深奥投资形式的指责依然流行,但是有一个理由充分的观点认为,指数型基金这一大众投资形式也加剧了全球的金融问题。

    And while it is still fashionable to blame the esoteric investments of the rich , there is a good argument that index funds , the investment of the masses , have also exacerbated the world 's financial problems .

  17. 因此,指数型基金投资组合的构建应坚持被动投资,力避主动投资。散户投资者通常资金规模较小,一般进行被动投资,不直接参与上市公司治理。

    Thus , the portfolio of indexation fund should be guided by passive in stead of active investment . As small investors hold small scale of capital , generally they do not take active invest and make direct effects on the corporate management .

  18. ETF类似于指数型共同基金,也像股票一样在交易所上市交易。

    Exchange-traded funds resemble index-oriented mutual funds and trade on an exchange like a stock .

  19. 按照投资理念的不同,可分为主动型基金和被动(指数)型基金。

    Differ according to what invest a concept , can divide for active model fund and passivity ( index ) model fund .

  20. 浅析我国指数型证券投资基金的指数化构造方法

    Analysis on Indexation Investment Method of Our Country 's Investment Fund of Index-type Securities

  21. 以行为金融学理论为基础,以21只非指数型封闭式基金为样本,对其经理是否存在几个主要的认知与行为偏差,即过度自信、处置效应及锚定效应进行了实证检验。

    We empirically studied several cognitive and behavioral biases of Chinese security investment fund managers , such as overconfidence , disposition effect and anchoring effect .

  22. 近年来,我国基金业进行了一系列的创新,先后推出了开放式基金、优化指数基金、伞型基金及上市型开放式基金等。

    These years many innovations have been taken on , for example open-ended funds , " umbrella " funds and optimized index funds .

  23. 主动策略基金整体不单在年化收益率上战胜了指数策略基金,而且在风险程度上也低于指数型基金。

    Active Fund as a whole , not only higher in the year yield than the index fund , but also in the degree of risk is also lower than index fund .

  24. 被动型基金则不主动寻求取得超越市场的表现,而是试图复制指数的表现,并且一般选取特定的指数作为跟踪的对象,因此通常又被称为指数型基金。

    Passivity fund is sought not actively acquire the show that transcends the market , try to duplicate however exponential expression , and choose specific index commonly serve as the object that dog , be called again normally accordingly index fund .