
  • 网络Emerging Market Fund
  1. 过去10周,新兴市场基金也遭遇200亿美元的赎回&美林(MerrillLynch)称,这是10周的期间内规模最大的资金流出。

    There was also $ 20bn in redemptions in the past 10 weeks by emerging market funds – the largest outflow in any 10-week period , according to Merrill Lynch .

  2. epfr表示,今年流入所有新兴市场基金的资金增加了14.2%。

    EPFR says the inflow of money into all emerging market funds is up 14.2 per cent this year .

  3. 其他追逐机会的公司还包括资深新兴市场基金经理麦嘉华(MarcFaber)任董事长的LeopardCapital。该公司计划为两只以缅甸为主要投资对象的基金筹资1.5亿美元。

    Others in the hunt include Leopard Capital , whose chairman is veteran emerging-markets fund manager Marc Faber , which is seeking to raise $ 150 million for two Myanmar-focused funds .

  4. WellsCapitalManagement的新兴市场基金经理德里克欧文(DerrickIrwin)说:如果中国经济放缓的程度超过人们的预期,其所带来的风险,要大于中国经济以出人意料的高速度增长所带来的风险。

    The risk of China slowing down more than people expect is higher than the risk that it will grow faster than people think , said Derrick Irwin , an emerging markets fund manager at Wells Capital Management .

  5. 新兴市场基金安石投资(ashmoreinvestment)的研究主管杰罗姆布思(jeromebooth)指出,如果将资金投向一个没有欧洲财政机关全力支持,或没有欧洲央行(ecb)担保的投资工具,出资国会十分谨慎。

    Jerome booth , head of research at Ashmore investment , an emerging market fund , said donors would be wary of putting any money into a vehicle not backed by a full European fiscal authority or without guarantees from the European Central Bank .

  6. 由于中国A股尚未被纳入多数新兴市场基金经理追踪的MSCI新兴市场指数,所谓的“中国”实际上是指香港。

    As China 's onshore A shares are not yet included in MSCI 's flagship Emerging Market index , which is followed by most EM fund managers , what is meant by " China " is really Hong Kong .

  7. 咨询公司bestinvest的马赛尔波尔舍龙(marcelporcheron)表示,经营风格积极、不局限于具体市场或指数权重的全球新兴市场基金,最有可能跻身最高增长之列。

    An actively-managed Global Emerging Markets Fund , which is not restricted to specific markets or index weightings , makes most sense for tapping into the highest growth , said Marcel porcheron at advisers bestinvest .

  8. 好几个新兴市场基金已经开始在非洲进行长期投资。

    Several emerging market funds have already started to invest long-term in Africa .

  9. 全球环境新兴市场基金;

    Global environment emerging markets fund ;

  10. 因此,目前新兴市场基金流入中国的资金量,超出中国股市的权重。

    Thus China is getting more than its fair share of money flows from emerging markets funds .

  11. 追逐回报:经过5年的出色投资回报后,外国投资者不断将创纪录的资金投向新兴市场基金。

    Chasing returns : following five years of outstanding investment returns , foreign investors have been pouring record amounts into emerging market funds .

  12. 说到风险,新兴市场基金比专注于日本或西欧这类发达经济体的海外基金的波动性更大。

    In terms of risk , emerging-markets funds are more volatile than overseas funds that focus on developed economies like Japan or Western Europe .

  13. 在新兴市场基金内部,随着投资者对近期表现不佳的印度市场恢复信心,资产配置者在重建印度市场的头寸。

    Within emerging market funds , asset allocators have been rebuilding exposure to India as confidence has returned to what had been an underperforming market .

  14. 新兴市场基金本周的资金外流达到金融危机以来最高水平。投资者从中国股市撤回了数十亿美元。

    Emerging market funds have suffered their biggest outflows since the financial crisis this week , as investors pull billions of dollars from Chinese equities .

  15. 简言之,全球新兴市场基金过去产生了令人瞩目的回报,同时伴之以风险加大,但未来可能不会是这种情形。

    In short , while global emerging markets have historically generated impressive returns , with associated higher risk , this may not be the case going forward .

  16. 希腊试图通过此次发债实现投资者基础多样化,吸引新兴市场基金和其他投资者,一位官员表示。

    Greece is looking to diversify its investor base with this issue , which means attracting emerging market funds as well as other investors , one official said .

  17. 但最近科菲业绩陷于平淡,在交易策略方面也与培根产生不和,导致在今年摩尔内部的一次洗牌中,科菲交出了对新兴市场基金的管理权。

    However , recent lacklustre performance and disagreements over strategy triggered a " rebranding " this year that saw Mr Coffey relinquish his position overseeing the MEM fund .

  18. 菲利浦斯表示,托管人的保守作风,意味着许多“职业资金购买计划”只提供有限的基金选择,其中不包括专门的新兴市场基金。

    Phillips said conservatism among trustees meant that many occupational money purchase schemes only offered limited fund choices , which did not include a specialist emerging markets option .

  19. 尽管如此,我们注意到,一些投资者正开始将资金投入全球新兴市场基金和亚洲大盘股基金。

    Having said that , some investors , we 're noticing , are starting to put money to work in global emerging market funds and Asia large cap funds .

  20. 互联网类股在新兴市场基金配置中平均占比6%,而中国的重量级公司似乎正在挤掉自己的竞争对手。

    Within the internet subsector , which constitutes 6 per cent of the typical EM fund , however , the Chinese heavyweights appear to be elbowing aside their competition .

  21. 新兴市场基金的资金流入势头一直颇为强劲,特别是来自美国投资者的资金。这些美国投资者似乎仍然在把钱从国内基金转向国际投资。

    The flow of funds into emerging market funds has been strong , particularly from US investors who still appear to be shifting money from domestic funds to invest internationally .

  22. 从今年初开始,除日本以外的亚洲地区基金创纪录地吸引了130亿美元的资产,占投资于新兴市场基金总资产的三分之二。

    Since the beginning of this year , Asia ex-Japan funds have pulled in a record $ 13bn of assets , accounting for two-thirds of total assets invested in emerging markets funds .

  23. 根据一项全球基金经理调查,尽管中国经济前景正在恶化,但该国已成为新兴市场基金和亚洲投资者的投资首选。

    China has become the top investment choice of emerging market funds and Asian investors in spite of the country 's deteriorating economic outlook , according to a global survey of fund managers .

  24. 花旗集团将是推出泛非基金公司中名声最响亮的一家。非洲的私人股本由准政府发展金融机构(主要来自欧洲)和专项新兴市场基金所主导。

    Citigroup is the biggest name to launch a pan-African fund in a region where private equity is dominated by quasi-governmental development finance institutions , mainly from Europe , and specialist emerging market funds .

  25. 不过,在去年的私募股权活动中,新兴市场基金的投资占到了26%,创历史最高纪录,远高于2008年的14%和2004年的7%。

    Yet investment by emerging market funds accounted for a record 26 per cent of private equity activity last year , up from 14 per cent in 2008 and just 7 per cent in 2004 .

  26. 拉美股票型基金也是表现最好的主要新兴市场基金之一,在截至2007年12月底的一年,总体投资组合升幅接近60%。

    Latin America equity funds were also the best performers of the main emerging markets fund group , with a collective portfolio gain for the year to the end of December of nearly 60 per cent .

  27. 面对主权债券和准主权债券收益率不断下跌的局面,全球新兴市场债券基金转向“信用曲线”(creditcurve)的低端,以求从新兴市场企业提供的较高收益率中受益。

    Global emerging market debt funds , faced by falling sovereign and quasi-sovereign yields , moved down the " credit curve " to take advantage of the higher returns on offer from emerging market companies .

  28. Record去年12月推出了一只新兴市场货币基金(EMCurrencyFund),试图从上述趋势中获利。该基金持有13种新兴货币的多头头寸,以及4个发达国家货币的空头头寸。

    Record launched an EM Currency Fund , which holds long positions in 13 emerging currencies and shorts in four developed world ones , in December to benefit from this trend .

  29. 他负责管理SSgA新兴市场共同基金,该基金中目前持股量最大的是中国移动(ChinaMobile),中国概念股合计占该基金15%的权重。

    He manages the SSgA Emerging Markets mutual fund ( SSEMX ), which counts China Mobile ( CHL ) among its biggest holdings , and overall has about a15 % weighting in China .

  30. 5月底美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)的讲话引发的全球债券抛售也是一个因素,投资者以创纪录的速度撤回新兴市场债券基金的资金。

    The global bond sell-off sparked by comments in late May from Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , has also been a factor , as investors have withdrawn money from emerging market bond funds at a record pace .