
  • 网络fingerboard;finger board;Beam
  1. 气动卷扬机操笔者要明确承认气动卷扬机钢丝绳以及钻塔不干涉(可以用轮轴导向),以避免毁伤钻塔的钢布局,特别是指梁。

    The air winch Operator shall ensure that the winch wire is moving freely in the derrick ( possibly guided by pulleys ) to avoid any damage to the steel structure , especially the fingerboard .

  2. 所有甲板标高线均指结构梁顶线。

    All deck elevations are on the top of structural beams .

  3. 半刚性连接钢框架是指框架梁柱节点的转动刚度不能达到理想刚接的要求,但是可以传递部分弯矩的一种特殊结构型式。

    The semi-rigid connection frame means that the rigidity of connection is not so rigid that it can transfer partially moment to column .

  4. 混用钢梁是指在梁的不同部位,根据受力状态和破坏形态,采用不同强度等级钢材组合而成的梁。

    The hybrid girder is that according to the stress state and failure modes , applying the combination with different strength grades of steel .

  5. 杂交空间结构(如张弦梁、弦支穹顶)是指由梁、压杆、张力索组成的预应力空间结构体系,预应力施工控制分析是其关键。

    The hybridized space structures , such as the beam string structure and suspen-dome , are the pretensioned space structure composed of beams , tensional cables and struts , in which the prestress-controlling analysis is the key problem .

  6. 体外预应力混凝土梁是指在混凝土梁体外使用无粘结预应力钢筋或索,通过锚固端和梁相连接,通过中间转向块使索偏转的一种预应力结构。

    The externally prestressed concrete beam is defined as a structure & unbounded tendons are used outside the concrete beams , connected with the beam by the anchorage , and deflected by the middle deflecting blocks .

  7. 简要介绍了PC轨道梁的支座、伸缩指形板及梁内或梁上预埋件的设置。

    At the same time , the article introduce concisely the setting of bearings , extension finger plate and the pre buried elements in the beam .