
  • 网络demarkation of cadastral parcel
  1. 第一个是指电信界和计算界的融合,后者还被称为信息技术(挨踢行业)。

    The first is the convergence between the worlds of telecoms and computing , otherwise known as information technology ( IT ) .

  2. 学术失范是指学术界的某些方面存在着缺乏规范,或有规不依或规范本身不合理,从而贻害学术事业的现象。

    Lack of criteria , disobedience to the existing criteria , and the existence of some unreasonable criteria will do harm to the academic field .

  3. 前者指涉现象界,后者指涉本体界。

    While the former signifies the realm of phenomena , the latter signifies the realm of noumenon .

  4. 所谓语境差,指在同一界域内,语境各要素间的不平衡状态。

    The so-called contextual misplacing , means that the imbalance state is among every key element of the context , in the same circle intra-area .

  5. 下指是回指的标记形式;对第三人称下指,学界甚至存在争议。

    Cataphora is the marked equivalent of anaphora . There is even a dispute on whether there is cataphora .