
zhǐ ɡònɡ
  • extract a confession by throwing out hints to the defendant; expose the defendant during a trial
指供 [zhǐ gòng]
  • (1) [extort a confession]∶审讯人员指定被告按主观性审判意图招供

  • (2) [certify (by the witness in count)]∶证人指出案犯特征,提供有关证据

  • 指供是审判的一个重要环节

  1. 指供奉神佛的庙宇,有时也指其他宗教的修道院。

    A building used for the worship of a god or gods in some religions .

  2. 摘要城市公共空间是指供一座城市或城市一定区域内的市民进行社会公共活动的空间。

    City public space is the space where citizen can take same social public in one city or certain area .

  3. 公共交通道路,是指供不特定的人和社会机动车辆或者仅供社会车辆通行的道路。

    Public transportation roads refer to roads which are offered to non-special people and social motor vehicles or social motor vehicles only .

  4. 通常菜单这个词汇是指供餐厅顾客选择的写着或印有不同菜肴的单子。

    Usually the term menu refers to the written or printed list of different dishes from which a restaurant customer makes a selection .

  5. 本文所指供地政策是城市管理部门对土地供求数量进行宏观调控的指导思想,规划、计划等在供地政策原则下制定和实施,是相应的政策手段。

    Land supply policy the paper indicate is the principle for land management department to adjust and control the quantity of land supply and demand .

  6. 专用停车场(库):指供本单位、本居住区机动车停放的场所和私人停车泊位。

    Special-purpose parking lot ( garage ) means the parking place of a unit and residential quarter for motor vehicles as well as private car stalls .

  7. 大型办公建筑一般是指供机关、团体和企事业单位办理行政事务和从事各类业务活动的建筑物。

    Large-scale office building generally refers to the building for government office , public organization , enterprise and institution to deal with administrative affairs and all kinds of business activities .

  8. 本规定所称检查站,是指供人员、交通运输工具、货物进出特区管理线的特定区域。

    The checkpoint referred to in this ordinance , shall be a specific area for the entrance to and exit from the boundary-line of persons , transportation tools and goods .

  9. 传统道德所注重的伦常调节思想为当代大学生养成法律意识指供了行动指南;

    The thinking of adjustment with " the feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships " in traditional moral offers behavior guide to the formation of the students ' law consciousness ;

  10. 据麻省注册兽医委员会制定的正规兽医业务,此类设施指供动物留医、疗或康复的商业性医疗设施。

    Commercial medical facilities for keeping animals to be treated , in treatment or recovering from treatment , in accord with normal veterinary practice as established by the Massachusetts Board of Registration and Veterinary Medicine .