
  • 网络Hitter;Striker;Strike Gunner
  1. 天天P在他面对的五位打击者,三位打击者都投到两好球,但是就是没能投出另一个好球数。

    Proctor had two strikes on three of the five hitters he faced , but could put only one away .

  2. 天空打击者&当使用飞行器时踢中一个守卫。(铜杯,5G)

    Fly Swatter-Kick a Guard while using the Flying Machine . ( Bronze , 5G )

  3. 他107球保送三位打击者,且三振五位打者。

    He walked three batters and struck out five in an107-pitch outing .

  4. 打击者可以或许限定人员、物量、疑息运动。

    Attackers can restrict the flow of personnel , material and rmation .

  5. 尚未被歼和尚未受歼灭性打击者只有五十四个旅。

    There are only 54 brigades which have neither been wiped out nor received crushing blows .

  6. 夜晚是一个犯罪打击者?

    And a crime-fighter by night ?

  7. 除非你是犯罪打击者或者是要去约会,不然红色不适合你。

    Unless you 're a crime fighter or going on a date , red is not your color .

  8. 顾军一百十七个旅中,被我歼灭和受歼灭性打击者有六十三个旅。

    Of the 117 brigades of Ku Chu-tung 's group , 63 have been wiped out or have received crushing blows .

  9. 基于原始的群体打击者,奥术消除者是蒸汽科技结合练金术与魔法科技的独特作品。

    Based off of the original crowd pummeler , arcane nullifiers are ingenious works of steam technology combined with alchemical prowess and unreal science .

  10. 他107球保送三位打击者,且三振五位打者,显示出足够拿下他本季的第二胜。

    He walked three batters and struck out five in a107-pitch outing that appeared to be good enough for his second victory of the season .

  11. 垒上跑者:如果打击者上垒,他的主要责任就是尽量到达得分位置,并且为球队得分。

    Base Runner - If a batter gets on base , his primary responsibility is to advance to scoring position and score a run for his team .

  12. 作为打击者,他们既代表中央,又有地方官府自身的利益,还有为政者扶弱抑强的公正理念。

    As the striker , the local government official represented the centre , themselves , and the just idea of fight for the weak against the strong .

  13. 是的,火箭人三振六位打击者,表现出他最强势的状态且他已经准备好上到洋基伸出援手。

    Yes , the Rocket struck out six and made his strongest statement yet that he 's ready to ride into the Yankees ' clubhouse to lend a hand .

  14. 随著技安没有排上先发打线,老爹让头号打击者大门担任指定打击,队长移到第三棒。

    With Giambi out of the lineup , Torre selected leadoff hitter Johnny Damon to serve as the designated hitter , with Derek Jeter moving down in the lineup to bat third .

  15. 老爹,前捕手,在以前捕手的时光发现到,保送上垒的秘密在于阿布瑞尤是比较属于推打的打击者。

    The secret behind the free passes as Torre , a former catcher , noted from his days behind the plate lies in the fact that Abreu is more of a push hitter .

  16. 三垒审:负责监督三垒安全上垒或出局,左手打击者是否出棒,球落到左外野线上是否属于界外球。

    Third Base Umpire - responsible for monitoring safe / out calls at third base , deferred strike out calls of left handed batters , and fair ball calls down the left field line .

  17. 古伯伯本季对于井川庆寄予厚望,那是一个奇怪的井川庆日本文化与古伯伯的交集,混杂了将大联盟打击者解决的希望。

    Igawa has been a project for Guidry this season , an odd intersection of igawa 's Japanese culture and guidry 's Cajun twang , both mixing in the hopes of retiring Major League hitters consistently .

  18. 出版商应联合起来打击盗版者。

    The publishers should unite to fight against pirates .

  19. 但是,卫生专家和IMPACT说,由于打击造假者的法律和规定缺乏力度,执法工作仍然面临严重障碍。

    Still , health experts and IMPACT say enforcement remains severely handicapped by weak laws and regulations for tackling counterfeiters .

  20. 黑名单的目的是为了打击逃税者。

    The blacklist 's purpose was to crack down on tax evaders .

  21. 评级机构龙颜大怒并威胁采取法律行动打击印制者制造及散播麦考尔的讽刺T恤。

    The agencies were not amused and had threatened legal action against the printer who made and distributed McCall 's satiric T-shirts .

  22. 中国最近打击走私者们而且已经加入到美国、法国、英国等其他国家破坏非法象牙库存的行列中。

    China has cracked down on smugglers recently and has joined the United States , France , Britain and others in destroying illegal ivory stockpiles .

  23. 沃尔福威茨说,发达国家在反腐败方面负有重要责任-采取措施打击行贿者,帮助发展中国家追回被盗的资产。

    Wolfowitz said the developed countries had a vital responsibility in the fight against corruption – taking action against bribe-givers , and helping developing countries recover stolen assets .

  24. 并且在过去几年里我们看到了许多政府迅速实际行动起来,通过加强法规和跨境联合执法打击走私者。

    And over the last few years we have seen a groundswell of action by governments to improve their laws and work across borders to fight the traffickers .

  25. 布什总统呼吁美国南方各州政府采取强硬政策打击违法者于海湾沿岸地区,其遭受了可吹了飓风的毁坏。

    President Bush has called on the authorities in the southern United States to take a tough line against those who break the law in the Gulf coast areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina .

  26. 治理假新闻,可从增强社会责任感,提高新闻从业人员的素质,加强新闻法制建设,严厉打击造假者等方面来着手进行。

    Such countermeasures as enhancing sense of social and historical responsibility , improving quality of news workers , strengthening construction of news law system , severe punishment of false news inventors should be taken .

  27. 在一本授权传记里,去年十月去世的苹果公司共同创办人史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)说他会倾其所有去打击抄袭仿冒者。

    Apple co-founder Steve Jobs , who died in October , said in an authorized biography he would ' spend every penny ' to fight copycats .

  28. 他抗辩道,当他打击行凶抢劫者时他是在自卫。

    He pleads that he have act in self-defence when he have hit the mugger .

  29. 政府打击怀疑论者或化解法律挑战的首要策略便是将新法案呈现为不可逆挡的强大力量。

    The chief strategy used by the administration to win over sceptics and to undermine legal challenges is to present the new laws as an unstoppable juggernaut .

  30. 尽管几乎没有经济学家预计欧元区经济将明显滑坡,但这一最新数据将打击欧洲决策者的信心。他们本来认为,欧元区可以相对不受美国次级抵押贷款危机的影响。

    The latest data will knock European policymakers ' confidence that the eurozone can remain relatively immune from the US subprime mortgage crisis , although few economists expect a serious slump .