
huì yì shì
  • meeting/conference room
  • meeting room;boardroom
会议室 [huì yì shì]
  • (1) [meeting room]∶供开会用的房间

  • (2) [boardroom]∶通常包含有一张大会议桌而预定作为董事会会议之用的房间

  • 董事会每月在该会议室召开一次会议

  1. 接待员领路来到董事会会议室。

    The receptionist led the way to the boardroom .

  2. 所有人都已集中到了董事会会议室,准备参加上午9点钟的会议。

    Everyone had already assembled in the boardroom for the 9:00 a.m. session .

  3. 最大的会议室可以容纳5,000人。

    The largest conference room could seat 5,000 people

  4. 她大模大样地走入会议室。

    She swept into the conference room

  5. 有3个会议室,每个会议室都配有屏幕、活动挂图板和视听设备。

    There are three conference rooms each of which is equipped with a screen , flipchart and audio visual equipment .

  6. 会议室中央有一张巨大的橡木桌子。

    There is a huge oak table in the centre of the meeting room .

  7. 他在会议室一个不为人注意的犄角坐下来。

    He took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room .

  8. 书记突然离开会议室。

    The secretary abruptly left the conference room .

  9. 请见后页之会议室位置图。

    Please refer to map on next page for seminar room locations .

  10. 我一定是忘在b会议室了。

    I must 've left it in conference room B.

  11. 我刚从b会议室过来。

    I just came from conference B.

  12. W:行,到星期五那天我一定把会议室准备好。

    W : Yes , I will see that the room is ready by Friday .

  13. 那些icm允许我使用会议室。

    That ICM will let us use the boardroom .

  14. 最近,一家总部设在英国的企业CondecoSoftware联系到了我。这家企业正在蓬勃发展,产品包括无线“工作场所占用传感器”,能够追踪人的移动情况,以估算有多少桌子和会议室正在使用。

    I 've recently been contacted by a thriving UK-headquartered company calledCondeco Software , whose products include wireless " workplace occupancy sensors " that track movement to assess how much desks and meeting rooms are being used .

  15. 大多数公司的办公室可能都像高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)的会议室一样放着一些小点心,你的办公室里可能也有。

    Most offices , maybe even yours , have some equivalent to the cookies in Goldman Sachs ' ( GS ) conference rooms .

  16. Notes客户机将检测到邀请的会议室/资源/地点不在配置的首选组中,并提示更改/更新当前列表。

    The Notes client will detect that an invited room / resource / site is not in the configured preferred set , and prompt you to change / update your current list .

  17. SBR贴片式系列LED日光灯适用于商场、写字楼、酒店、家居、会议室和展厅等室内场所的各种照明。

    XH-SBR SMD LED fluorescent light suitable for shopping malls , office building , hotels , homes , conference rooms and exhibition hall and other indoor places of all kinds of lighting .

  18. 地点是在纽约喜来登酒店(SheratonNewYorkHotel)一间毫无特色的会议室,在由两排会议室组成的一个长走廊的尽头。

    The setting was a nondescript meeting room , down a long , bland hallway of meeting rooms , at the Sheraton New York Hotel , where Alexey mordashov was attending a steel industry conference .

  19. 安东尼指出:我们的很多产品是绿色的。青柠绿是JosephJoseph公司的标志色,就连会议室的椅子也是这个颜色。

    We do sell a lot of green , Antony notes , referring to the signature Joseph Joseph lime that is even used to upholster their boardroom chairs .

  20. 该层的中心是一间会议室,它由拉尔夫•劳伦(RalphLauren)设计,从墙纸到调音台几乎完全采用黑色色调。

    At its heart is a boardroom pimped out by Ralph Lauren almost entirely in black , from the wallpaper to the mixing bar .

  21. 在今天市政大厅的会议室,两家公司,Viview和TaserInternational分别展示了现代放置人体身上的最新的摄像技术。

    In a special meeting today at city hall . Two separate companies , Viview and Taser International made their pitch to demonstrate the latest on-person video camera technologies .

  22. 待在一间陈旧的会议室里,三心二意地聆听一段没完没了的PPT陈述,这个时候你有多少次曾经感受过喜悦感?

    How many times have you experienced a sense of joy in a stale conference room while half listening to an endless PowerPoint presentation ?

  23. 但是,在阿尔诺的私人会议室里四周是安迪·沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)和毕加索(Picasso)的作品他不愿透露基金会的成本。

    In his private conference room , however , surrounded by works of Andy Warhol and Picasso , Mr. Arnault was reluctant to tally the costs .

  24. 麻生太郎(TaroAso)看上去不像一艘正在沉没的船上忧心忡忡的船长,他大步走入一间雅致的会议室,脸上带着标志性的歪嘴露齿笑容。

    Taro Aso does not look like the beleaguered captain of a sinking ship as he strides into an elegant meeting room sporting his trademark lopsided grin .

  25. UNESCO可能谨慎地更多地参与到发展中,更喜欢在巴黎舒适的会议室里讨论全世界的问题,而不是直接参与到解决方案中来。

    UNESCO may be wary of becoming more involved in development , preferring to discuss the world 's problems in comfortable conference rooms in Paris rather than directly engaging in solutions .

  26. 路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的主席、首席执行官贝尔纳·阿尔诺(BernardArnault)微笑着坐在蒙田大道这个奢侈购物乌托邦高层的镶木会议室里。

    High above the luxury shopping utopia that is the Avenue Montaigne in Paris , Bernard Arnault , the 65-year old chairman and chief executive of LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , was sitting in a wood-paneled conference room and smiling .

  27. 他们围坐在会议室的长桌旁。

    They sat around a long table in the conference room .

  28. 整晚都没有离开过会议室。

    I didn 't leave the conference room the whole night .

  29. 吃午饭的时候我跟着几个医生去了会议室。

    At lunch I joined some doctors in a conference room .

  30. 这间会议室太小,容纳不下二十人。

    The meeting room is too small to hold twenty people .