
  • 网络heating period
  1. 采暖期北京大气PM(10)水溶性离子成分分析研究

    Analysis of the Water-Soluble Anions and Cations of PM_ ( 10 ) Aerosols during Heating Period in Beijing

  2. 西安南郊采暖期大气颗粒物PM(2.5)的污染特征分析

    Characteristics of atmospheric particulate pollution PM_ ( 2.5 ) during the heating period in the south of Xi'an

  3. 在2002-2005年的三个采暖期里,SO2污染逐年加重,导致了年均SO2浓度的逐年升高。

    In three heating periods in 2002-2005 , pollution of SO2 deteriorated year after year .

  4. 并且全年之中各点采暖期TSP浓度和铅浓度均高于非采暖期。

    The TSP and lead content of heating periods were higher than that of non heating periods .

  5. 北京市采暖期大气中PM(10)和PM(2.5)质量浓度变化分析

    Analysis of mass concentration variation feature of PM_ ( 10 ) and PM_ ( 2.5 ) in air during heating period in Beijing City

  6. 西安市采暖期PM(2.5)污染状况及其与气象因子的相关分析

    Pollution Status of the Particulate Matter ( PM_ ( 2.5 )) and the Correlation of PM_ ( 2.5 ) and Meteorological Factors during Heating Period in Xi'an City

  7. 春季风沙期、夏秋季非采暖期IPM的质量中值直径D均大于冬季;

    In windy and sandy spring and non-heating summer and autumn the mass median diameter of IPM are greater than those in winter .

  8. 结果在采暖期内TSP、IP、PM2.5的日均值超标率分别为54.55%,57.58%,84.85%。

    Results The rates of over standards for daily mean of TSP , IP , PM2.5 in heating period were 54.55 % , 57.58 % , 84.85 % respectively .

  9. 利用混沌理论研究燃煤型城市的不同大气环境质量指标:SO2、NO2、PM(10)三种物质采暖期、非采暖期的的6个小时浓度时间序列。

    The ambient air pollutants of SO_2 、 NO_2 、 PM_ ( 10 ) in heating season and non - heating season compose six time series which are studied by Chaos theory .

  10. 对苯与甲苯特征比值(B/T)的分析表明交通尾气排放以及冬季和早春采暖期化石燃料燃烧是北京市大气中BTEX的主要来源。

    Vehicle exhaust emission and fossil fuel combustion during heating period were recognized as the major sources for atmospheric BTEX based on analyzing the characteristic ratio of benzene to toluene ( B / T ) .

  11. 目的了解西安市采暖期和非采暖期的大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)浓度、有机提取物的致突变性及无机提取物中Pb、Mn、Cr、Ni、Cd等金属元素特征。

    Objective To study the concentration , mutagenicity of organic extracts and the Pb , Mn , Cr , Ni and Cd metal element features of total suspended particulates ( TSP ) in heating and unheating seasons in Xi'an City .

  12. 采暖期和非采暖期工业区、混合区、交通繁忙区TSP无机提取物中Pb、Mn含量均高于相应对照区(P<0.05)。

    The contents of Pb and Mn in inorganic extracts of TSP in ambient air of industrial area , in-dustry-traffic mixed area and heavy traffic area during heating and unheating seasons were significantly higher than those in control area ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 对PM2.5各化学组分浓度的季节变化特征的分析表明,PM2.5及OC的高浓度污染均出现在冬季采暖期,而WSOC则出现在夏季;

    Analysis of seasonal change character of the concentration of each chemical component of PM2.5 indicated that high concentrations pollution of PM2.5 and OC appeared in winter ( during heating period ) and that of WSOC was in summer .

  14. 通过对大气颗粒物重金属形态的研究发现,采暖期和非采暖期TSP均对环境造成一定危害,且非采暖期TSP污染浓度高于采暖期,济南近郊工业区TSP浓度高于文教区等其它区域。

    The study of TSP is found that , TSP collected during heating and non-heating period is harmful to environment to some degree , its concentration during non-heating period is higher than the concentration during heating period , and the concentration of TSP in industry section is higher than habitation .

  15. 而在非采暖期,分别为2.29ng/m~3和72.57ng/m~3。

    However , during no heating season , the results were 2.29ng / m ~ 3 and 72.57ng / m ~ 3 respectively .

  16. 结果表明,采暖期济南市环境空气中苯并(a)芘的浓度为50.95ng/m~3,16种多环芳烃的总浓度为510.17ng/m~3;

    It was shown that average concentration of BaP in the ambient air of Jinan was 50.95ng / m ~ 3 and the average concentration of total 16 PAHs was 510.17ng / m ~ 3 during heating season .

  17. 采暖期重污染周和春季沙尘周PM25的化学物种构成悬殊,反映了季节性变化的源排放和特殊气象条件的综合作用。

    PM 2.5 chemical speciation was very different between the week with heavy pollution in heating season and that with severe dust storm in spring , which resulted from the combination effects of source emission varied with seasons and special meteorological conditions .

  18. 结论采暖期大气颗粒物污染严重;

    Conclusion Air pollution with particulates in heating period is serious .

  19. 鞍山热电厂采暖期热负荷分配优化方案

    The Optimized Load Distribution Plan of Anshan Cogeneration Plant during Heating

  20. 石家庄市采暖期气象服务系统

    A Meteorological Service System in Heating Days at Shijiazhuang City

  21. 半个采暖期,即可收回全部投资费用。

    All the investment is taken back in half of heating period .

  22. 哈尔滨市采暖期大气颗粒物组分源解析

    Apportionment of Air-Borne Particulate during Heating Period in Harbin

  23. 北京市不同区域采暖期大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of PAHs in atmospheric particles in different areas of Beijing during heating period

  24. 某单位新购进的3台热水锅炉,仅使用一个采暖期就发生了爆管事故。

    The tubes in 3 new hot water boilers ruptured within only one heating cycle .

  25. 城市采暖期气温变化特征及其均生函数模型预测试验

    Variation Characteristics of Air Temperature and Forecast Experiment of Mean Generating Function Model in Heating Period

  26. 郑州市冬季采暖期气候变化特征及节能潜力分析

    Analysis of the Climate Change Characteristics and Energy-saving Potential of Winter Heating Periods in Zhengzhou City

  27. 天津市滨海新区采暖期SO2、NO2浓度空间分布特征研究

    Study on space distributing characteristic of so_2 , no_2 from Binhai New Area during heating season

  28. 目的了解采暖期不同粒径大气颗粒物污染状况及其重金属分布状态。

    Objective To understand the pollution of particulate matters and the distribution of heavy metals in particulate matters .

  29. 本文设计了一种用于计量一定采暖期内用户消耗热量的智能低功耗无磁热量表。

    This paper introduces a low-power non-magnetic heat meter that measures heat consumption of user in heating period .

  30. 每个采暖期可回收热量95×10~3百万大卡。

    The total amount of heat recovery in every heating season was up to 95 × 103 Meal .