
  1. 为总统安排日程的官员留出了90分钟的电视采访时间。

    The President 's schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews .

  2. 这位工作繁忙的富豪给了我90分钟采访时间,算是给足了我面子。

    For a man in a hurry he 's given me a generous 90 minutes .

  3. 这些因素可能包括终端用户的业务知识,他们可以如何较好地表达自己,或他们接受采访多长时间。

    These factors might include the end users ? business knowledge , how well they can express themselves , or how much time they have for the interview .

  4. 那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟。

    The interview overran by fifteen minutes .

  5. 作为威斯布鲁克的队友以及好友,杜兰特也在今天的赛后采访中第一时间站出来力挺后者。

    As Westbrook 's teammates and friends , Durant in also an interview after the game today , the first time stand out to support the latter .

  6. 麦卡锡在采访中表示,时间会证明“酷跑”是一个更加全面的健身方式,理由是“酷跑”也锻炼了身体的上半部分。

    It would appear so , as McCarthy has been saying in interviews that crunning is a more complete workout because it includes the upper body as well .