
pào zǎo
  • soak;soak in the bath
泡澡 [pào zǎo]
  • [sit in the bath] 把身体浸泡于水中的一种洗澡方式

  1. 我泡澡时想出了这个主意。

    The idea came to me in the bath .

  2. 这也许能解释为何那种比普通浴缸深得多的能让泡澡者整个身子都没入水中的大浴缸最近变得流行起来。

    A leisurely a tired body . This might explain the recent popularity of tubs that are much deeper than normal , which enables the bather to sink their full body into the water .

  3. 最近出现了一些新的趋势,比如联合利华(Unilever)的沐浴露销量不断上升,这些趋势证实,出于省钱省水的考虑,公众正从泡澡转向淋浴。

    There have been some recent trends , such as the rise in shower-gel sales by Unilever , that confirm a money-and water-saving-inspired shift from bathing to showering .

  4. 我不习惯泡澡。

    I can 't get used to taking a bath .

  5. 你因为跟他上床,所以才泡澡?

    Did you have a bath because you had sex with him ?

  6. (不过贝多芬一些最好的作品是在泡澡时萌发灵感的。)

    ( Although Beethoven did some of his best composing while bathing . )

  7. 但是,日本人并不用浴缸洗澡,而只用它泡澡。

    However , they only use them for soaking and not for cleansing .

  8. 阿基米德在泡澡时灵感迸发。

    Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath .

  9. 热水和长时间的淋浴或泡澡能祛除你皮肤中的油分。

    Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin .

  10. 你喜欢泡澡对吗

    You like a bath , don 't ya ?

  11. 因为可以泡澡,对皮肤超好,补充水份。

    Because of the skin can be bubble bath , super , supplement moisture .

  12. 养成良好的睡前习惯,比如泡澡、淋浴或看书。

    Have a pre-sleep routine like taking a bath or shower , or reading .

  13. 日本式甜美的泡澡:日本人将泡在巧克力浴池里作为庆祝情人节的一种新的形式。

    Japanese soak themselves in chocolate bath in new form of Valentine 's Day celebration .

  14. 猫在满浴缸的牛奶里泡澡并不是巧合。

    It is no coincidence that the cat is soaking in a tub of milk .

  15. 要控制你的泡澡或者淋浴时间,使用温水&而不是热水。

    Limit your bath or shower time , and use warm rather than hot water .

  16. 人们在死海岸边附近的温泉里泡澡,以色列。

    Israelis bathe in hot springs on the shore of the Dead Sea near Ein Gedi .

  17. 不要总是用热水淋浴或泡澡,会使肌肤更干燥。

    Skip the hot showers and hot baths as these can further dry out already struggling skin .

  18. 泡澡的时候,让热水流进浴缸,然后在里面泡上20分钟。

    Run some hot water into the bath , get in , and lie down for 20 minutes .

  19. 在湖里泡澡的人会感到热水的温度很舒服,心情很愉快,仿佛身处于冒着蒸汽的内陆海之中。

    People bathe in its soothing heat and feel happy - seemingly ensconced in a steaming inland ocean .

  20. 那就是加热洗澡水享受泡澡,所需的热量。

    So that 's the energy that is needed to heat up a bath and enjoy that pleasure .

  21. 伦敦的影迷们有福了,他们现在可以一边欣赏自己喜欢的电影,一边泡澡放松。

    Lucky movie fans in London have been watching their favorite films - while relaxing in hot tubs .

  22. 每次你泡澡或淋浴时,都从身上洗掉了细菌和病毒。

    Every time you take a bath or shower , you remove germs and viruses from your body .

  23. 中国顾客是否会喜欢在一个考究的日本热浴盆里和众人一起泡澡,仍不得而知。

    Whether Chinese consumers will take to steaming together in an elegant Japanese hot tub remains to be seen .

  24. 在温水中泡澡确实很舒服。

    It 's really nice to sit in the warm water . A : I 'm having a great time .

  25. 要是没有浴缸,或者是不喜欢泡澡,淋浴也是可以的。

    If you don 't have a tub , or don 't like to bathe , take a shower instead .

  26. 我想赶快把浴室打扫干净明天你们就能泡澡了

    I just wanted to get all the cleaning done in there so you can have a nice bath tomorrow .

  27. 但是泡澡还是燃烧了高达130卡路里的热量,这一数字和步行30分钟燃烧的卡路里一样。

    However , the bath soak still managed to burn a whopping 130 calories - the same as a 30-minute walk .

  28. 你们还可以使用健身房及健康俱乐部,有泳游池,盆浴泡澡。

    You can also use the gym and health club . There 's a swimming pool , and hot tub as well .

  29. 泡澡的时候放一点浴盐可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。

    Soaking in epsomsalts will help relievestress and sootheyour muscles , allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job .

  30. 淋浴或者泡澡完,轻轻地拍或者用毛巾擦干,使得皮肤上还留些水分。

    After washing or bathing , gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin .