
dǎ pāi zi
  • beat time;conduct
打拍子 [dǎ pāi zi]
  • (1) [conduct]∶按照乐曲的节奏指挥演奏或演唱

  • (2) [beat time]∶依着乐曲击节

打拍子[dǎ pāi zi]
  1. 她用手指打拍子。

    She beat time with her fingers .

  2. 他用手指(随着这支乐曲)打拍子。

    He beat time ( to the music ) with his fingers .

  3. 这首歌很动听,听着它你就会不由自主地在客厅里舞动,或是用脚打拍子。

    The song 's so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet .

  4. 老师弹曲子时,孩子们有节奏地击掌打拍子。

    The children clapped out a regular time while the teacher played the tune .

  5. 现在我放CD盘,你一边呼,一边用脚打拍子了。新型插盘式脚手架承载力影响因素分析

    Now when I play CDs , you hum and tap your feet . Influence Factor Analysis on Bearing Capacity of New Disk-type Scaffold

  6. 小孩用脚随着音乐打拍子。

    The child beat time to the music with his foot .

  7. 那么你用脚打拍子打在点上!

    You beat time with their feet hit the point !

  8. 她用肢合着音乐轻轻地打拍子。

    She tapped her feet in time to the music .

  9. 他在桌子上打拍子。

    He tapped out the rhythm on the table .

  10. 她用双手打拍子。

    She beat the rhythm out with her hands .

  11. 拍膝盖,打拍子这一类的幽默都通过很多形式表现出来。

    The slap-your-knee , ba-dum-dum humor takes many forms .

  12. 她一双脚合着音乐在打拍子。

    She was tapping one foot to the music .

  13. 他吹笛子的时候,用脚打拍子。

    He marked time with his foot , when he played on flute .

  14. (打拍子、下指示等时)打响指百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。

    She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single .

  15. 他边唱边顿脚打拍子。

    He is stamping out the rhythm of the song while he is singing .

  16. 她的歌曲让你想跟她一起唱、手打拍子。

    Her songs made you want to sing along and clap to the beat .

  17. 你打拍子,我来演奏。

    You beat time and I 'll play .

  18. 她唱歌,而我们同时拍手打拍子。

    She sang and at the same time we clapped out a regular time .

  19. 观众合着音乐打拍子。

    The audience kept time to the music .

  20. 他用脚在加速器上打拍子。

    He beat time on the accelerator .

  21. 他用手指打拍子。

    He beat time with his fingers .

  22. 这种音乐能使你的双脚不由自主地跟着打拍子。

    This music sets your feet tapping .

  23. 玛丽和着乐曲打拍子。

    Mary beat time to the music .

  24. 一边打拍子,一边大声唱出来。

    Time the beat and sing loudly .

  25. 一切全从弹指打拍子开始。

    It all starts with finger snapping .

  26. 节拍器在缓慢地打拍子。

    The metronome ticked on slowly .

  27. 他用餐叉敲着酒瓶打拍子,用朝气蓬勃的高音唱起来。

    He Beat rhythm with his fork against a Bottle , singing in a youthful soprano .

  28. 那孩子边喊叫边跺脚.他边唱边顿脚打拍子。

    The child was screaming and kicking . He is stamping out the rhythm of the song while he is singing .

  29. 观看某些现代歌剧演出时,我忽然悟到,指挥之所以仅仅只是打拍子,是因为他打不着作曲者。

    When attending the performance of some modern operas , it has struck me that the conductor was only beating time because he could not beat the composer .

  30. 克拉克听到往日惯听的乐声,一面用手指打拍子,一面让医生把腿锯去,并用炽热烙铁按在切口上。

    While the surgeon sawed off the limb and sealed the wound with a red-hot iron , Clark tapped his fingers in time to the sound of his memories .