
  • 网络Printer,Ink;printing inks
  1. 国外喷墨打印墨水技术创新的新进展

    New Development of Technical Progresses of Overseas Inkjet Printing Ink

  2. 喷墨打印墨水的技术现状与进展

    Present Status and Future Prospects of Ink-jet Printing Ink Technology

  3. 水溶性黑色喷墨打印墨水的研制

    Preparation of the water soluble black spray printing ink

  4. 用酸性水溶天蓝研制水溶性的青色喷墨打印墨水

    Development the water-soluble blue-green sprays print ink to capitalize upon Ink Blue BJT Crystals

  5. 喷墨打印墨水的色度学分析

    Chromaticity Analysis for Colorants in Dye-Based Ink-Jet Inks

  6. 喷墨打印墨水组成成分的性能研究状况

    Development of Ink-jet Ink Composition Properties

  7. 气相色谱法测定喷墨打印墨水中的苯酚

    Determination of phenol in printing ink

  8. 利用络合黑着色剂制备了喷墨打印墨水,探讨了各种成分对墨水性能的影响并得出优化工艺。

    The complex black dye and other chemicals used to prepare jet ink are discussed in the paper .

  9. 建立了溴化衍生测定喷墨打印墨水中苯酚的方法。

    A method for the determination of phenol in printing ink by brominating derivatization and gas chromatography is described .

  10. 醋酸是一种被广泛运用于生产纤维,涂料,粘胶,药品和打印墨水的中间产品。

    Acetic acid is used as an intermediate in a wide range of products including fibres , paints , adhesives , pharmaceuticals and printing inks .

  11. 随着喷墨打印机的广泛使用和人们环保节约意识的提高,喷墨打印墨水成了商家争相竞逐研究开发的对象。

    With the wide application of ink-jet printer and the realization of the importance of environmental protection and conservation , ink-jet printer ink becomes the focus of producers'pursuit aim .

  12. 前言:本文阐明了国外喷墨打印墨水的主要技术创新点,重点介绍了爱普生“世纪虹彩”亮光颜料墨水的技术特性。

    This paper presents an outline of main technical progresses of overseas inkjet printing ink , mainly introducing the technical specifications of Epson " century rainbow " bright pigment ink .

  13. 通用型喷墨打印用墨水的研制

    A study of the development of jet ink for universal use

  14. 喷墨打印介质墨水接受层的技术特点

    The Technical Characteristics of Ink Receiving Layer of Ink jet Printing Media

  15. 彩色喷墨打印用墨水

    Ink for Ink - jet Printing

  16. 彩色喷墨打印用墨水喷墨用超微粒颜料墨

    Ultra-Fine Pigment Ink for Ink-Jet Printing

  17. 本文系统地介绍了喷墨打印介质墨水接受层的功能要求、作用机理和结构特征;

    This paper presents a systematic introduction of function demand , action mechanism , and structure characteristics of the ink receiving layer of inkjet printing media .

  18. 表面的轧制离开平坦的表面,但不是在非打印区域的墨水用油墨覆盖的滚子(稿样),表面上满是油墨。

    The surface is covered with ink by rolling over the surface with an ink-covered roller ( brayer ), leaving ink upon the flat surface but not in the non-printing areas .

  19. Sol-Gel法制备连续式喷墨打印用彩色陶瓷墨水的理化性能

    Physicochemical properties of coloured ceramic ink used for continuous ink-jet printing by sol-gel method

  20. 优质喷墨打印纸具有吸收墨水快速,染料固着良好,以及毛边羽化和Z向渗透少的特点。

    A high quality ink-jet printing paper shows rapid drying , good dye fixation , minimal wicking / feathering and little Z direction penetration .

  21. LIX打印笔使用的墨水可以加热到华氏300度,但是他们采用的PLA纤维打印材料只需加热到华氏180度就能正常工作了,另外它也支持使用更强的ABS塑料打印材料。

    The juice allows LIX to heat to over 300-degrees Fahrenheit , though the plant-based PLA filament ( it can also use the stronger ABS plastic ) only needs to heat to 180-degrees to work .

  22. 喷射打印成型用陶瓷墨水制备方法

    Preparation Methods of Ceramic Ink for Jet-Printing Forming

  23. 科学家通过将来自健康供体角膜的干细胞与藻盐酸(来自海藻的凝胶)和胶原蛋白混合在一起,创造出可以打印的“生物墨水”溶液。

    By mixing stem cells from a healthy donor cornea with alginate , a gel derived from seaweed , and collagen , researchers managed to create a " bio-ink " solution that can be printed .