
dǎ pū kè
  • play poker
打扑克[dǎ pū kè]
  1. 我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。

    I 'm old enough to play poker and do something with it .

  2. 上汽(SAIC)自主开发的中型车荣威350(Roewe350)配备的车载软件,让乘坐者可以交易股票、打扑克、在中国版的Facebook上发帖子以及交流即时讯息。

    The Roewe 350 , the homegrown midsize model from SAIC , comes with in-car software that allows occupants to trade stocks , play poker , post to the Chinese version of Facebook and exchange instant messages .

  3. 我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。

    Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game .

  4. 打扑克经验很重要。

    Experience counts for a lot in poker .

  5. 伊尔蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。

    Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time , playing cards or games .

  6. 打扑克没劲,咱们去游泳吧。

    Playing cards is no fun ; let 's go swimming .

  7. 我开始打扑克,是上世纪60年代末在赫尔(hull)一家奖杯制造厂工作的时候。

    I started playing poker when I was working for a trophy maker in hull in the late 1960s .

  8. 但你一定要来打扑克,我知道MaisyGibbons的丑事

    I know you 're down about this Mike thing , but you got to come to poker . It 'll be worth it . I got dirt on Maisy Gibbons .

  9. 打扑克的人死时我没做什么。

    I don 't do anything when those poker men died .

  10. 现在他们两个每个月的第二个周三都在一起打扑克。

    They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month .

  11. 工间休息几个工人凑在一起打扑克。

    During the break several labourers got together and played poker .

  12. 艾克,也许你不适合打扑克。

    Maybe poker 's just not your game , lke .

  13. 你忘记上次我们一起打扑克了?

    What you forget the last time we played poker ?

  14. 你们却干什么?通宵打扑克。

    What do you do ? Play poker all night .

  15. 和好朋友打扑克是一件有趣的事情。

    It is fun to play card games with my best friends .

  16. 实事上,我买第一个鲁宾司的钱是打扑克赢的。

    Actually , I bought my first reuben 's with poker winnings .

  17. 我们打扑克消磨时间。

    We played card games to pass the time .

  18. 那晚要打扑克是不是?

    It 's poker night , isn 't it ?

  19. 我们打扑克好让自己别睡着了。

    We kept ourselves awake by playing card games .

  20. 我说过我要打扑克。

    I told you I was gonna play poker .

  21. 放松、一边打扑克一边喝着酒。

    Resting , playing poker , and drinking simultaneously .

  22. 在去巴黎的整个路上,我们一直都在打扑克。

    We played cards all the way to Paris .

  23. 他们看见祭司们和他们的朋友正在庙宇内打扑克。

    They saw the priests and their friends playing cards in the temple .

  24. 他在园艺店里打扑克。

    He 's been playing poker in a garden .

  25. 我们晚上打扑克,过得很愉快。

    We spent an enjoyable evening playing cards .

  26. 球迷们唱着歌,呷着热饮料、打扑克,挨挨挤挤,互相拥作一团。

    The devotees sing , sip warm drinks , play cards and huddle together .

  27. 他正同几位来自外地的另一家公用公司的老朋友打扑克。

    He was sharing a nocturnal poker game with out-of-town cronies from another utility .

  28. 他们当时正在打扑克,赌注很高。

    They were playing cards for high stakes .

  29. 他在与朋友打扑克。

    He is playing poker with his friends .

  30. 爸爸教你打扑克了吗?

    Did Daddy teach you to play poker ?