
àn jiē dài kuǎn
  • mortgage loan
  1. 透视次贷危机看我国个人住房按揭贷款风险管理

    Risk Management of Personal Housing Mortgage Loan from the Angle of Secondary Loan Crisis

  2. 按揭贷款数学模型分析

    Mathematical Model of Mortgage Loan

  3. 问题在于偿还按揭贷款——别的一切事情都能对付。

    The problem is paying the mortgage ─ everything else is liveable with .

  4. 偿还的按揭贷款因通货膨胀而贬值。

    Mortgage payments have been eroded by inflation .

  5. 靠“零时工合同”工作的员工也因为没有收入保障而很难获得按揭贷款及其它形式的信用服务。

    With no guaranteed income , employees on zero hours contracts sometimes find it difficult to get mortgages and other forms of credit .

  6. 联邦住宅管理局(FederalHousingAdministration)可能关门,让银行很难发放按揭贷款。

    The banks are having a hard time writing mortgages due to the partial closure of the Federal Housing Administration .

  7. 但一旦华尔街开始根据打包的按揭贷款抵押资产、出售CDS,要给经济增加价值?

    But once Wall Street got to creating credit default swaps on synthetic tranches of mortgage collaterlized debt obligations , no way .

  8. 按揭贷款银行家协会(MortgageBankersAssociation)的数据显示,克利夫兰都会区有十分之一的业主贷款已经逾期90天或已被终止赎回权。

    One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .

  9. 10月初,富国银行(WellsFargo)支付了9亿美元和解金,但这还只是房地美担保的按揭贷款交易。

    In early October , Wells Fargo paid $ 900 million , but that deal only covered mortgages insured by Freddie .

  10. 按揭贷款可以向很多银行申请,包括中国银行(BoC)和汇丰银行。

    Mortgages are arranged through a variety of banks , which range from Bank of China to HSBC .

  11. G银行自1998年开展个人住房按揭贷款业务以来,各类违约案例时有发生,违约贷款金额一直处在不断攀升中,大量不良贷款的出现,极大地制约了G银行该项业务的健康发展。

    Since G Bank has begun its real-estate mortgage loan business , default amount is on the rise from time to time , and many financial bad debts has constrained the further development of the business .

  12. 此举出现于目前美国房价再度走低之时&但这并非是由于贷款价高,事实上,30年标准类按揭贷款(conformingmortgage)的利率近日约为5%。

    The move comes as house prices are once again headed lower & though not because loans , recently around 5 % for a 30-year conforming mortgage , are expensive .

  13. 上周五,SEC执法部负责人库萨米说,该机构将密切关注类似于高盛案的其它房屋按揭贷款交易,它们是SEC工作的重点。

    On Friday , SEC enforcement director Robert Khuzami said the agency will look closely at mortgage deals similar to the Goldman one that is the focus of the SEC action .

  14. 中国的个人信用卡、按揭贷款和在线支付系统迅猛增长,为此迫切需要建立一个信用评估数据库,芝麻信用(SesameCredit)等个人征信系统应运而生。

    Sesame Credit and other credit rating systems are responding to a glaring need for a credit rating database in a country that has seen rapid growth in personal credit cards , mortgages and online payments systems .

  15. 在简述G银行个人住房按揭贷款业务开展情况和风险管理现状后,通过介绍G银行当前具有代表意义的典型违约案例,全面展现个人住房按揭贷款的风险。

    After brief description of the development and risk management of personal housing mortgage loan operation of G Bank , Chapter One reveals the risk factors in personal housing mortgage loan business by demonstration of some real irregular cases in G Bank .

  16. 由于这部分按揭贷款质量欠佳,美国联邦住房管理局(FHA)已不得不为此支付保险赔偿金。

    Because the mortgages were weak , the FHA has been forced to honor insurance policies on the loans .

  17. 格伦伯格回应称,对于2008年底政府接管的大型按揭贷款担保公司,FDIC没有破产清算授权。

    Gruenberg responded that the FDIC had no authority over the large mortgage guarantee companies that were taken over by the government in late 2008 .

  18. 因此,只剩下转换这种方法了,例如,所有现有的按揭贷款,可全部或部分转换成固定低利率的长期贷款,正如最近哈佛(Harvard)的马丁•费尔德斯坦(MartinFeldstein)所建议的那样。

    That leaves conversion , whereby , for example , all existing mortgage debts could be wholly or partly converted into long-term , low and fixed-interest loans , as recently suggested by Harvard 's Martin Feldstein .

  19. 昨天,前英国农业大臣、工党议员艾略特莫利(ElliotMorley)已被停止其在议会的工党相关职务。此前有报道称,他为已经还清的按揭贷款申报了1.6万英镑的费用。

    Yesterday Elliot Morley , a former agriculture minister , was suspended from the parliamentary Labour party after reports that he filed 16,000 of expense claims for a mortgage he had already paid off .

  20. 然而,霍诺汉本月在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的一场辩论中透露,爱尔兰一些按揭贷款提供者推出了“无追索权”贷款,让它们有权在出现违约的情况下收回房产,但无权追索借款人个人的偿债责任。

    But this month Mr Honohan revealed during a debate at the International Monetary Fund that some Irish mortgage providers were now offering " non-recourse " loans , which give them the right to repossess property in the event of default but not to pursue borrowers personally .

  21. 美国政府指控德意志银行及其子公司MortgageIT虚报部分按揭贷款质量,骗取政府担保,以便能以虚高的价格出售质量欠佳的按揭贷款。

    The government accused the bank and its subsidiary MortgageIT of lying about the quality of some mortgages that were to be insured by the government .

  22. 据惠誉(Fitch)统计,在2007年7月存在的美欧按揭贷款支持的交易中,债务违约带来的欧洲债券损失仅为0.7%,而美国的交易损失达12%。

    Of the US and European mortgage-backed deals that existed in July 2007 , European bonds have lost just 0.7 per cent from loan defaults , according to Fitch , while US deals have suffered losses of 12 per cent .

  23. 本文以商业银行的风险管理为主线,分析了COSO-ERM框架,按八大模块提出商业银行的风险管理框架,按ERM框架分析虚假按揭贷款,指出防范和化解国有银行风险应引入全面风险管理框架。

    Based on the analysis of the study of COSO-ERM , proposing the risk management framework of the commercial banks according to eight modules , this paper analyzes the obstacles and puts forward the idea of Chinese commercial banks in implementing ERM .

  24. FHLB主要是向会员提供流动资金,从而增加住宅按揭贷款的信贷供给和社区投资,同时还为社区发展和住房建设提供各种服务。

    FHLB are intended to provide liquidity to members , thereby increasing the supply of residential mortgage loans and community investment , and also provides services to community development and housing construction .

  25. 住房按揭贷款的风险防范住房按揭贷款风险分析及防范

    Risk Analyses of Housing Mortgage Loan and the Corresponding Precaution Measures

  26. 银行对个人按揭贷款有严格的规定。

    Banks have strict regulations when granting mortgage loans to individuals .

  27. 浅谈如何防范虚假房屋按揭贷款

    Talking about How to Prevent the False Mortgage Loan for House

  28. 你有没有其他银行按揭贷款?

    C : Do you have any other bank mortgage loans ?

  29. 按揭贷款质素持续改善。

    The improvement in the quality of the mortgage portfolio continued .

  30. 浅谈房地产按揭贷款公证

    Talking about the Notarization of the Guaranteed Loan for Real Estate