
àn bǐ lì fēn pèi
  • prorate
  1. 该算法能在保证每个用户误比特率(BER)和数据速率要求下,按比例分配用户容量,使总发射功率最小。

    This algorithm ensures the proportional fairness among users to minimize the total transmit power while satisfying the rate requirement and BER constraint of each user .

  2. 根据APF补偿极限,提出补偿容量按比例分配的原则,达到大容量APF多补偿,小容量APF少补偿的目标。

    According to compensation limits of APFs , compensating capacities are proposed to be proportional distributed , so that large capacity APFs will compensate more , while small ones will compensate less .

  3. 最后,通过大量的仿真验证了截断限流补偿和补偿容量按比例分配的有效性,以及协调控制策略在多台APF联合运行中的可行性。

    In the end , a large amount of simulation results testify the validity of truncating current limiting compensating and proportion compensation capacities of APFs and the feasibility of coordination control strategy for combined running of APFs .

  4. DASF通过估计当前节点所在位置的节点密度,控制每次用于分配的消息副本数量,然后根据节点活跃程度按比例分配消息副本数量。

    By estimating the node density of the current node location , DASF could control the available distributed number of message copies . And then it allocates message copies between encountered nodes according to the level of activity .

  5. 房租按比例分配到这个月剩下的天数里。

    The rent was prorated for the rest of the month .

  6. 一种按比例分配冲突度的证据推理组合规则

    One combination rule of evidence theory based on distributing conflict in proportion

  7. 按比例分配财产或权利或责任

    To share out ( property or rights or liability ) in proportion

  8. 一数量或一总体的按比例分配。

    The proportional distribution of a quantity or entity .

  9. 在这种情况下,按比例分配的举证责任就落在被告人身上。

    In this situation , the burden of proof as to apportionment is upon each defendant .

  10. 按比例分配劳动时间

    Proportionate distribution of labour time

  11. 作为对比,还为剩余资源的分配设计加权平均分配和按比例分配方案。

    As a comparison , weighted average allocation and rate-based allocation schemes are given for redundant resource allocation .

  12. 那些很难与具体存货项目相联系的成本要在公平的基础上按比例分配。

    Those that are difficult to associate with specific inventory items may be prorated on some equitable basis .

  13. 摊还,摊销用在一个时期内以按比例分配的方式注销一笔经费(如办公设备)

    To write off an expenditure for ( office equipment , for example ) by prorating over a certain period .

  14. 分摊解决过多订购股票之办法,也就是将股票按比例分配给投资商。

    Prorated The settling of an oversubscribed share issue , where the shares are distributed to investors on a proportional basis .

  15. 许多赞成在实质上更改选举团的人,极力主张票数应该按比例分配。

    Many people who favor a change in the nature of the Electoral College urge that the votes be awarded proportionately .

  16. 亚里士多德还十分崇尚公平正义,尤其赞同按比例分配的分配正义,认为公平正义是社会和谐的必要前提。

    Aristotle also advocated fairness and justice , especially supported the proportional distributive justice , and thought justice was the necessary prerequisite for social harmony .

  17. 价值本质上是劳动资源的合理配置,是按比例分配劳动时间规律在商品经济中采取的特殊形式。

    Value remains a rational disposition of labor resources in essence and a special form of the proportional distributing labor-time law in the commodity economy .

  18. 消灭了阶级剥削和阶级差别,人们共同劳动,生活资料根据劳动者提供的劳动按比例分配。

    Class exploitation and class difference are also eliminated , they work together and share their means of subsistence according to the proportion of their labor .

  19. 有鉴于此,国际货币基金组织同意建立纸黄金,并根据各成员国的认定份额按比例分配给他们。

    The IMF has responded by agreeing to create paper gold and distribute it to member nations in proportion to the amount of their subscription to IMF funding .

  20. 我们有一个严格的综合和分配政策,这确保我们对相同战略下所有的投资组合即便在按比例分配的基础上也可以对大宗证券进行分配。

    We have a strict trade aggregation and allocation policy that ensures that we allocate blocks of bonds evenly on a pro-rata basis across all portfolios within the same strategy .

  21. 如果损害可以明确划分,并且有一个按比例分配伤害的合理基础,每个被告仅为他所引起的损害负责。

    If the harm is divisible and there is a reasonable basis for apportionment of damages , each defendant is liable only for the portion of the harm he himself caused .

  22. 如果一批订单部分进入系统,则订单必须在按比例分配的基础上根据分配计划的比例在交易票证所规定的账户中进行分配。

    If a block order is partially filled , the order will be allocated among the accounts specified on the trade ticket on a pro rata basis in proportion to the intended allocation .

  23. 乔丹写道:如果富人拒绝自愿支持他们的贫困兄弟,从而不履行他们的道德责任,富人的财富应该直接按比例分配给穷人。

    If men of substance declined to assume their moral duty by the voluntary support of their needy brethren , the poor should be assigned to them in direct proportion to their wealth .

  24. 作为社会经济调节理论的创始人,马克思指出按比例分配社会总劳动是适用于一切社会形态的共有规律,但在不同的社会形态里的实现形式不同;

    Marx , who initiated theories of social economic adjustment , maintained that distribution of the total amount of labor in proportion is a general principle which could be applied to all social forms .

  25. 国会有权对任何来源的收入规定并征收所得税,所得税收入不按比例分配于各州,也不必考虑任何人口普查或统计。

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes , from whatever source derived , without apportionment among the several States , and without regard to any census or enumeration .

  26. 马克思还科学地预见了在未来公有制社会中,人们将通过直接的自觉的控制和预先制定的计划来实现社会总劳动的按比例分配。

    He made the scientific prediction that in the future society of public ownership , people would realize proportional distribution of the total amount of labor by means of direct control and planning in advance .

  27. 采用按比例分配样本额分层随机抽样调查法,研究面对体育与健康课程标准,苏北地区中小学体育软、硬件指标能否适应新课程的发展要求。

    By the method of random and layered sampling , the authors explored whether the soft-and hard-ware for physical education in primary schools in Jiangsu are good enough to carry out the new curriculum criterion .

  28. 根据可逆冷轧机的生产特点,采用了一种简单的迭代方法求解负荷按比例分配构成的非线性方程组,得到总轧制道次数以及各个道次的中间厚度。

    According to the practice of reversible cold mill , a simple iteration method is used to solve the nonlinear equations which are based on the load distribution , and the total passes and interstand-thickness are obtained .

  29. 在分析证据理论不足和已有改进方法及其缺陷的基础上,根据指挥员在作战中处理冲突证据的一般习惯,提出一种按比例分配冲突度的证据组合推理规则。

    According to the commonly habit of commander in dealing with conflict evidence in operation , a modified combination rule based on distributing conflict in proportion is presented in the base of analyzing the disadvantage of D-S theory and the limitation of improved combination rule .

  30. 原则上已经同意根据专利的价值按比例来分配。

    It 's already been agreed in principle to apportion the value of the patents .