
  • 网络distribution according to factors
  1. 按要素分配对经济增长的影响

    The Effects of Distribution According to Factors of Production on Economic Growth

  2. 关于按要素分配的基本理论问题的再探析

    Some Basic Theoretical Issues of Distribution according to Factors : A Further Survey

  3. 人力资本理论是对按要素分配的重大理论突破

    Human Capital Theory Is Important Theoretical Breakthrough to Distribution According to Factors

  4. 论按要素分配与按劳分配

    On Distribution According to Essential Factor and Work

  5. 劳动价值补偿形式是按要素分配。

    So the compensation for labor value must be assigned based on factors of production .

  6. 试论按要素分配的理论依据

    The Theoretical Foundation of Factor Distribution

  7. “按要素分配”的自然基础、社会原因和量的边界

    The natural foundation , social reason and quantitative boundary of " distribution according to factor "

  8. 运用按要素分配理论原理加强财政法制建设

    Strengthen the Finance Legality Building , Utilizing the Theory Priciples of Distribution according to the Essential Factors

  9. 阐述了按要素分配是社会主义市场经济的必然选择;

    Expounded that distribution according to the essential elements is the inevitable choice for socialist market economy ;

  10. 调整按要素分配的格局使之合理化,对经济增长会产生积极影响。按要素分配对经济增长的影响主要有三个方面:第一,西方经济理论的诠释;

    Adjusting the formula of distribution according to factors of production and making it reasonable positively affect the economic growth .

  11. 价值“源泉”与“按要素分配”的自然基础、社会原因与量的边界

    Natural base , social cause and quantitative border of both value " source " and " distribution according to production elements "

  12. 社会主义初级阶段必须坚持效率优先、兼顾公平按要素分配。

    During the primary stage of socialism , we must take efficiency as priority with consideration of fairness and distribution according to factors .

  13. 按要素分配是社会主义市场经济基本特征与必然要求。

    Distribution ' according to essential factors of production is one of the fundamental features and inevitable requirements in a socialist market economy .

  14. 不仅如此,劳动价值论还是对按要素分配的科学否定,是按劳动分配的理论基础。

    Not only that , the labor value theory is scientific denial to distribution by elements , it is the rationale of distribution by labor .

  15. 特别是按要素分配观念的确立,使生产要素市场的供求关系逐渐成为个人收入分配的基础性调节机制。

    Especially for foundation of distribution according to production elements concept , which make supply and demand relation the basic adjust mechanism in individual income distribution .

  16. 用市场经济思维认识按要素分配

    To Understand the Meaning of the Distribution According to Productive Factors Correctly , We Must Think It in the Light of the Law of Market Economy

  17. 如果有一个恰当的条件限定,按要素分配和按劳分配两种学说并不冲突。

    If limited by an appropriate condition , there is no conflict between the proposition of distribution according to production elements and the proposition of distribution according to work .

  18. 这三个热点问题分别是:物化劳动能否创造价值,服务劳动、管理劳动与价值创造的关系以及劳动价值论与按要素分配的关系。

    They are whether material labor can create value , the relation between serving and managing labor and value creating , and the relation between the theory and distribution by factors .

  19. 按要素分配中的社会公平正义观及一种社会心理的矫正&构建和谐社会必须解开的一道难题

    The Idea of Social Justice and Fairness in the Distribution according to Elements , and an Adjustment of Social Psychology & A Difficult Problem to be Solved before Constructing the Harmonious Society

  20. 在按要素分配理论中,正确认识要素所有权与要素贡献两者间的内在联系和区别,是理解按生产要素分配问题的关键所在。

    In the theory of Distribution Based on the Production Factor , correctly understanding the relationship and deference between the Factor Ownership and Factor Contribution is the critical crux to understand the issue of Distribution Based on the Production Factor .

  21. 在实践中要采取有力的措施来规范按要素分配,即通过加快要素市场体系建设,培育居民产权主体,加强政府的多种收入调节手段等来逐步完善规范。

    In practice , such strong measures as speeding up the construction of production essentials market system , fostering the system of citizen property right , strengthen government 's multiple personal income adjustment measures and so on , should be taken to standardize and perfect distribution on production essentials .

  22. 按生产要素分配的若干理论问题&兼与朱沁夫、杨国宝、张云峰等同志商榷

    Some theoretical problems of distribution according to essential factors of production

  23. 按生产要素分配是我国重要的分配原则。

    Production-factor-based distribution is an important distribution principle of our country .

  24. 按生产要素分配理论的历史考察

    A Historical Survey of the Theory of Distribution on Product Factors

  25. 产权制度与按要素贡献分配原则

    Property Rights System and the Distribution Principle According to the Factors Contribution

  26. 按生产要素分配:现阶段收入分配的制度选择

    Distribution According to Production Factor : the Choice of Income Distribution System

  27. 实行按生产要素分配要解决若干认识问题

    Problems to be Recognized in the Production - factor - based Distribution

  28. 非劳动收入与按生产要素分配

    Unearned income and distribution according to essential factors of production

  29. 按生产要素分配是市场经济的客观规律&世纪之交中国经济体制改革的深层思考之七

    Distribution According to Production Factors Is the Objective Law of Market Economy

  30. 按生产要素分配相关理论问题研究

    The Research into the Relevant Theories of Distribution According to Production Factors