
  • 网络factor price
  1. 诱致技术变迁与农业技术进步模式选择的理论分析&基于生产要素价格变动的视角

    Theoretical Analysis of Induced Technological Change and Choice of Agricultural Technological Progress Pattern

  2. 本文接着分析了生产要素价格变化对全要素生产率的影响。

    This dissertation investigates the effects on TFP of prices change of factors .

  3. 第三层次是跨国界的商品、生产要素价格均等化的趋势。

    Third , the equalization of prices of commodity and factors of production among the world .

  4. 残酷的市场化浪潮让农民无所适从,过高的税费和生产要素价格伴随着农产品的低价格,让农民生活举步为艰,甚至不断恶化。

    High taxes-and-fees and high cost of production inputs , together with the low price of agricultural outputs have made peasants ' life even worse .

  5. 首先介绍了生产要素价格,价格扭曲以及软预算约束的相关概念。

    In this part , this article introduces the prices of production factors , the distortions of price and the conception of soft budget constraints firstly .

  6. 这些变量有:单位劳动资本、单位劳动产出、资本&产出比、生产要素价格、劳动者老年期和青年期消费等。

    These are unit labor output , capital - output ratio , the prices of production factors , old age and youth workers consumption , and so on .

  7. 发展中国家传统产业集群面临生产要素价格上升以及其他集群低成本竞争的压力。

    The traditional clusters in developing countries have to upgrade when they have encountered the rising prices of essential factors of production and the competition from other clusters .

  8. 西方分配理论按照市场经济运行的要求,分析了生产要素价格的决定和社会成员如何在生产中按所提供的生产要素多少及其贡献大小而获得收入的问题。

    Based on the requirements of the market-economy operation , the western distribution law analyses the problems of incomes according to the price of the production elements and the social member 's contributions by the provided production elements .

  9. 但是,随着资源紧张程度的加剧和生产要素价格的上涨,环境压力的增大和保护成本的上升,中国制造业发展正面临着严峻的新挑战。

    However , the development of manufacturing industry in China is faced with severe challenges , because of the increased strain on the resources , the prices of the factors of production , the increasing environmental pressure and the raise of protection costs .

  10. 在农村矿区,企业把矿产资源开采走了,地表遭到了严重的破坏,环境被破坏了,给当地农民留下的只是消费产品价格的上涨和生产要素价格的上涨。

    In the rural mining area , the business of mineral resources exploitation gone , but the surface was severe damage to the environment was damaged , local farmers left to the only consumer product price increases and increases in the prices of production factors .

  11. 近来由于受到外部金融危机及国内生产要素价格快速上升、人民币升值等的影响,产业的发展遇到了前所未有的困境,对纺织产业的研究显得尤为重要。

    Recently , due to external financial crisis and the rapid increase in domestic prices of production factors , such as the impact of RMB appreciation , Chinese textile industrial development has encountered unprecedented difficulties . The study of the textile industry is particularly important .

  12. 在过去的一二十年中,中国制造业主要依靠生产要素低价格优势和生产规模优势,显示出较强的国际竞争力。

    In the past two decades , China has shown the strong international competitiveness , relying on the low-cost advantages and scale advantages of the production of the manufacturing sector .

  13. 这些启示归纳为:在市场经济条件下,工资是劳动这一最重要的生产要素的价格。

    The inspiration can be summed up as followed : Wage is the price of labour , which is the most important factor of production under the circumstance of market economy .

  14. 利率是资金的时间价值,是资本这一特殊生产要素的价格,利率的调整对于宏观经济与微观经济都具有重要影响。

    The interest rate is the time value of fund , is the price of capital , which is a special production element . The interest rate adjustment influence on macroscopic and microscopic economy critically .

  15. 随着沿海地区经济发展,沿海地区生产要素的价格,特别是劳动力价格的上涨,使得沿海地区纺织工业的传统优势在逐渐丧失,纺织工业呈现出向西部地区转移的趋势,特别是纺织初加工业。

    With the economic development and the rise of labor force price , the coastal area is partly losing the advantages of developing textile industry . Textile industry is tending to transfer to the western area , especially the extensively processed products .

  16. 按照要素禀赋理论(H&O理论),不同国家的生产要素相对价格状况不相同,从而生产商品的相对价格也就不相同,拥有丰富要素的产品、产业就获得了出口优势。

    According to the factor abundance theory ( H-O theory ) , production element of different country has different relative price . Consequently , that different merchandise has different relative price . Possessing abundance elements , the industry therefore has the export advantages .

  17. 主要以生产要素替代国家价格确定公平价值;

    Deciding Fair Value according to the prices of productive factors in surrogate country ;

  18. 每一种生产要素都有价格;

    Each production element should have the price ;

  19. 本文利用生产要素的影子价格作为权重,提出一种计算全要素生产率的方法。

    In this paper , regarding shadow price of factor as weight , a new calculation method for total factor productivity is put forward .

  20. 在他们看来,只要市场机制能够充分发挥作用,生产要素按其价格所获得的收入就是公平合理的。

    In their view , as long as the market mechanism can be bring into full play , production elements according to its price obtained income is fair and reasonable .

  21. 工业用地作为生产要素,其价格直接影响后续产品的价格,因此工业用地价格一直以来受政府、企业、及产品消费者的关注。

    As a production factor , its price directly affects the price of follow-up products . Therefore , the price of industrial land has drew attention of government , enterprises , and consumers .

  22. 其次,肉鸡生产供给对投入要素价格的反应在长期更为敏感,尤其是精饲料价格。

    In addition , the responses of broiler production to input prices are more sensitive in the long run , especially for the feed price .

  23. 新经济地理学指出,由于集聚所特有的路径依赖性,全球一体化条件下的产业集聚程度将越来越高,本地生产要素和商品的价格将趋于上升。

    Because of the unique path dependence of agglomeration , the degree of industrial agglomeration will be much higher under the condition of global integration , the price of local production factors and commodity will tend to raise .