
  • 网络production elasticity;Output elasticity
  1. 发电企业的生产弹性与资产重组

    Production elasticity and asset restructuring of electrical power enterprises

  2. 种植业费用生产弹性系数较高,但边际效益逐年递减;

    The production elasticity coefficient for plant industry fee is higher , but the marginal efficiency is decreasing year by year .

  3. 生产弹性长丝的柔性紧凑型熔纺工艺

    Compact Melt Spinning Processes for the Flexible Production of Elastic Yarns

  4. 山西主要农产品生产弹性分析

    The productive elasticity analysis of Shared primary farm products

  5. 稻田多熟种植的经济、生态效益及生产弹性分析

    Study on economic and ecologic returns of various cropp in g systems of paddy field

  6. 云南粮食生产弹性分析

    An Elasticity Analysis of Yunnan Grain Production

  7. 田间试验结果表明,水稻、小麦产量随着施氮量的增加而增加,但单位氮素的产量、边际产量以及生产弹性系数、产投比均随着施氮量的增加而下降。

    Field experiment results show that yields of rice and wheat increase , but unit nitrogen yield , marginal yield , production elastic coefficient , ratio of output to input value decrease with the increase of nitrogen application amount .

  8. 对发电企业生产弹性进行了分析,认为生产弹性对提高发电企业在网厂分开后适应市场变化的能力至关重要。

    The production elasticity of electrical power enterprises is analyzed . The author thinks that the production elasticity of electrical power enterprises is important for power plants to adapt market changes after the separation of power grid and power plants .

  9. 本文讨论西方经典增长理论和实际商业周期理论中重要参数&劳动生产弹性的一种估算方法,比较模型用于中国经济中后,参数的不同。

    The present paper aims at a presentation of a most important parameter in western classic increment theory and the practical commercial periodic theory , an estimation of labor elasticity . The discussion is around the differences in the parameter with the model applied to the economic cases in China .

  10. 事实证明,美国生产的弹性超过一些人的预期。

    US production has proved more resilient than some had expected .

  11. 可生产带弹性腰围的产品。

    Product with elastic waistline can be produced .

  12. 要生产较小弹性或没有弹性的蓬松纱线,纱线解捻后要进行第二次热定型。

    To produce bulk yarns with little or no stretch , the yarns are heated a second time after being untwisted .

  13. 新型多功能丝绵被的研制与开发用下脚茧生产高弹性保健丝绵被的工艺研究

    Research and Development of New Multifunction Silk Floss Quilt A New Technique to Increase the Elasticity and Softness of Silk Floss Quilt

  14. 服装企业生产能力弹性估算方法的探讨水平轴风力机优化设计与最大性能估算

    On Elastic Estimate of Productivity in Cloths Industry ; An Analytical Approach to Optimum Design and Peak Performance Prediction for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

  15. 简述了生产聚氨酯弹性纤维的原料、制备工艺及纺丝工艺,重点介绍了其技术进展。

    The raw materials , manufacturing technology , spinning process of polyurethane elastic fiber are introduced briefly . Its technique progress is summarized emphatically .

  16. 它具有通用性强、测量准确可靠、数据处理方便等优点,并可融入自动化生产和弹性制造加工系统中。

    It has the advantages of strong versatility , accurate and reliable measurement and convenient data processing . It is a significant part in automated manufacturing and flexible production assembly .

  17. 利用弹性分析的结果,确定生产装置弹性大小,找出设计瓶颈,为装置的扩产改造提供理论依据。

    The feasibility of chemical plant is determined and the bottlenecks are found out based on the results of feasibility analysis , therefore the theoretical basis for retrofit of a plant is provided .

  18. 赛络纺棉/氨纶包芯纱既具有赛络纱条干好、毛羽少的优点,又能发挥氨纶高弹性的特点,是生产各类弹性织物的理想原料。

    Siro cotton / Spandex core-spun yarn which possesses the advantages of good evenness and little hairiness of siro yarn and brings into play the power stretch of Spandex fiber is ideal for production of all kinds of elastic fabric .

  19. 天然橡胶生产函数、弹性及供给与需求分析

    The Analysis on Production Function , Elasticity , Supply and Demand of Natural Rubber

  20. 本课题选择了我单位生产的特殊弹性元件中一种较有代表性的零件,对其加工制造技术进行分析研究。

    From the springs which we have produced , we selected one spring with special complicated structure to study .

  21. 详细阐述了国内外铁矿资源现状和我国铁矿石供需现状,运用定性分析和生产/消费弹性系数法对我国铁矿资源供需形势进行了分析。

    And using qualitative analysis and production / consumption elastic ratio , supply and demand situation of iron ore resources in China are analyzed .

  22. 全要素生产率、技术效率、技术进步之间的关系及测算技术进步实现机制和生产要素产出弹性理论假说&来自我国9个发达经济区的实证检验

    Relations and Measurements of TFP , Technological Efficiency , and Technological Advances ; Mechanism to Achieve Technical Progress and Theoretical Hypothesis about Production Elasticity among Production Factors

  23. 在弹性伸长的经验预测上,结合各道生产工序对弹性织物的影响,先推导出较精确的理论成品幅宽,进而得出织物的弹性伸长。

    In the practical prediction of fabric elastic elongation , theoretical finished fabric width was derived . Combined with the effect of each process on fabric properties , fabric elastic elongation was obtained .

  24. 文章选取交通区汽车保有量、客货运输量、通道交通量统计资料与国内生产总值作为弹性系数指标,进行回归确定弹性系数。

    This paper chooses automobile existing quantity , passengers and cargo freight volume , the channel volume of traffic statistical data and GDP of communication zone as the index of the coefficient of elasticity , to determination elasticity coefficient through return forecast .

  25. 聚四亚甲基醚二醇(PTMEG)是生产氨纶和聚氨酯弹性体的重要原料之一。

    Polytetramethylene ether glycol ( PTMEG ) is one of important materials for production of spandex and thermoplastic polyurethanes elastomer ( PU ) .

  26. 不同催化剂生产的聚丙烯粘弹性比较

    Viscoelasticity Comparision of Polypropylenes Produced by Different Catalysts

  27. 本论文按照国家标准进行了重新计算,对贵州能源生产(消费)弹性系数进行了修正。

    This thesis has calculated the elasticity producing ( consumption ) coefficient again according to the national standard , and corrected the energy elasticity coefficient in Guizhou .

  28. 在连续多期模型中,能源的生产成本、需求弹性、消费价格及效用贴现率都会对能源最优消费量产生影响,由于能源生产成本的影响,能源消费价格的变化率小于效用贴现率。

    The production cost , demand elasticity , price and utility discount rate of energy have effects on the optimum consumption of energy , and the change rate of the energy price is less than the discount rate of utility because the effect from the energy production cost .

  29. 无缝针织内衣就是采用新颖的专用设备生产一次基本成型内衣,它用于生产高弹性针织外衣、内衣和高弹性运动装,使颈、腰、臀等部位无需接缝。

    Seamless knitted Underwear is knitted in the special equipment for production of a novel shaping underwear , which is used to produce high elastic knitted outerwear , underwear and sportswear with high elasticity , so that neck , waist and hip joints and other parts without seem .

  30. 引进模糊分析方法研究Cobb-Douglas生产函数,运用模糊线性回归分析与线性规划求得Cobb-Douglas生产函数的模糊弹性参数;

    A fuzzy analysis method for studying Cobb-Douglas ′ production function is introduced in this paper .