
àn jiǔ
  • dishes or snacks to go with drinks;go with wine;meat to go with wine
按酒 [àn jiǔ]
  • (1) [go with wine]∶下酒(多见于早期白话)。也作案酒

  • 一面铺下菜疏果品按酒。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [meat to go with wine]∶下酒用的肉菜

  • 向后,我将按酒入去,只听得差拨口里呐出一句高太尉三个字来。--《水浒传》

按酒[àn jiǔ]
  1. 按酒精度、成品保健成分要求,将浸提液进行调配,贮存3个月,用硅藻土过滤、杀菌。

    Blending of extraction liquor according to the requirements of alcohol content and product health components , then after three months storage , the liqueur underwent diatomite filtration and sterilization .