
  1. 实施按户计量收费管理的前期工作及相关问题探讨

    Preparation for implementation of the household heat metering and charging system

  2. 住宅给水系统中按户计收水费技术探讨

    Technology of water fee charged by household in residential water system

  3. 按户计量供热系统模拟装置的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Simulated Equipment of Household-Based Metering Heating System

  4. 供热系统按户计量技术的进展与评述

    Progress and Commentary on the Technology of Household Measurement for Heating Systems

  5. 实现按户热计量的采暖系统设计方法

    Practical design of heating system in case of using household heating metering

  6. 室内采暖系统实现按户计量与温度控制的措施

    The indoors heating system measure technique and temperature control

  7. 供暖系统按户计量分室调节设计

    Design of the heat transference between residential unites and household heat metering system

  8. 宜提倡按户分环式的计量供热系统;

    A heating system should be metered with one household as a system ;

  9. 研制按户计量热量表的几点意见

    Suggestions on the Development of Heating Meter Calculation in term of Separate Families

  10. 你不是知道么,按户交。

    You know & the house-by-house fund .

  11. 此外,还强调了阶梯式计量水价实施的前提是完成计量系统改革,做到一户一表、按户计费。

    Also , completing one meter measurement system for one user and charging water rate for the user was emphasized .

  12. 通过对典型住宅按户计量供热系统的分析与研究,建立相应的模拟实验装置。

    Through the analysis and research on the household-based metering heating system of the typical residential building , a simulated experimental equipment is established .

  13. 目前在新建住宅建筑中设置按户热量计量和分室控制温度装置;

    In order to realize heating charging , newly designed residential building is often required to use household heating metering and inner room temperature control valve .

  14. 而水利建设中的经费问题,则主要以按户等摊派、鼓励富户出资与政府低息或无息贷款等方式来解决。

    And the fund was raised by apportioning according to family rank , encouraging rich family to donate , and interest-free or interest-low loans from government .

  15. 建筑按户计量和温控技术及供热管网调节控制技术将成为今后研究开发的主要内容。

    Household measurement , temperature control technology and adjustment and control technology of heating network will become the major subjects in the future research and development .

  16. 随着我国供热体制的改革,住宅供暖按户计量已成为必然趋势。

    With the reform of the heat supply system in China , the trend that the heat users are charged according to the heat consumption of every household has become inevitable .

  17. 对既有住宅室内采暖系统改造以实现分室控温,是社会比较关注的一个问题,目前出现较多的是按户分环的系统形式。

    Reconstructing the indoor heating system of existing building to achieve temperature regulating per-room , which is a problem be concerned by everyone , and presently individual household circular heating system is appeared mostly .

  18. 第一百三十八条证券公司办理经纪业务,必须为客户分别开立证券和资金帐户,并对客户交付的证券和资金按户分帐管理,如实进行交易记录,不得作虚假记载。

    Article 138 . When operating brokerage business , securities companies shall set up separate securities and money accounts for customers and shall separately manage the securities and money delivered to them by the customers .

  19. 根据按户热计量采暖系统的技术要求,介绍了几种适合热计量的室内采暖方案,指出其优缺点及适用范围。

    The paper introduces several indoor heating systems suitable to heat metering according to the technical requirements for heat metering on a house basis , their advantages and disadvantages , and the range of their applications .

  20. 本文论及我国对供热系统按户计量收费研究方面的现状,对今后实施过程中可能出现的问题做了分析,并且对于量和收费之间的关系以及各种因素进行探讨。

    This paper discusses the status quo of the study on household charging for heating systems in China , analyzes the problems that maybe arises in the future implement and approaches the relation between quantity and charging and various influential factors .

  21. 本文就供热采暖系统按户计量、分室调节的提出及设计中有关技术问题如:系统构成、管道敷设方式、热表安装以及设计和施工过程中的有关注意事项加以阐述。

    This article expounded household metering and room regulating in heating system , and answered some technical questions such as the constitution of the system , the layout of the pipes , the installation of hot meter and some other questions related to design and construction .

  22. 午夜时分我在下东区按一户人家的门铃,然后我突然意识到我从来没有一个人借宿过。

    and at midnight , I 'm on the Lower East Side , and it occurs to me I 've never actually done this alone .

  23. 由于家庭户数量增长速度超过人口数量增长的速度,按家庭户变化预测的未来居民住房的需求较大;

    Because the increase of households will be faster than that of population , the housing demand is bigger when changes in household are considered than that when changes in population are considered .

  24. 文章分析了影响采暖住宅建筑节能的主要因素,提出了新建采暖住宅必须按分户计量设计等住宅节能设计的技术措施,给出了分户采暖系统的基本图式和旧有系统设计改造要点。

    After analyzing the leading effects on the house energy saving , the authors suggest that new heating residence be designed to save energy through reckoning by single household technically , give out the basic pattern of such heating system and the key points of old system improvement .

  25. 他忍不住好奇,便按了那户人家的门铃。女人听了铃声,出来开门。

    Unable to restrain his curiosity , he rang the doorbell and the woman answered .

  26. 波特一开始四次都没敢敲门,第五次才鼓起勇气按了第一户人家的门铃。

    It took Porter four false starts before he found the courage to ring the first doorbell .

  27. 而在宋代职役按财富、户等高下排役政策下,他们又是职役,特别是乡村职役的主要承担者。

    While in the Song Dynasty the duty service according to wealth , households with rows of existing policy , they are also the duty service , especially in rural job service main undertaker .