
huánɡ pái jǐnɡ ɡào
  • Yellow card warning;official warning to individuals/enterprises
黄牌警告 [huáng pái jǐng gào]
  • [warning] 原指足球比赛中裁判员对有较严重犯规行为的运动员出示黄牌以示警告,现也借指对人的提醒、警告

  1. 唉,托马斯为此而被黄牌警告真不幸。

    Well , Thomas it unlucky to be booked for that .

  2. 沙尘暴的发生和发展与荒漠化息息相关,沙尘暴的频频发生正是对土地荒漠化程度发出的黄牌警告。

    The occurrence and development of sandstorm have related closely to desertification .

  3. 广西计划免疫黄牌警告机制效果分析

    Analysis on the effect of EPI yellow card warning system in Guangxi

  4. 因为黄色鲜艳,黄色也被用作黄牌警告的标志。

    Because it is bright , it is used for signs of caution .

  5. 马克在上半场因为挑衅的阻截动作而被判黄牌警告。

    Mark was given a yellow card for an aggressive tackle in the first half .

  6. 来自大自然的黄牌警告&印度洋地震海啸的启示

    The yellow card warning from nature

  7. 曼联前锋路尼同样因为对于判罚的大声抗议而被黄牌警告。

    Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney was also booked for dissent after loudly protesting against the decision .

  8. 黄牌警告制度是对那些没有运动精神的行为,粗野行为和不恰当行为的一种监督。

    A yellow card system will be used to monitor unsportsmanlike behavior , rough play and improper conduct .

  9. 皮克:哦,他确实想那样。但第四官员阻止了他,告诉他进场的话会被出示黄牌警告的。

    Pique : oh he did but the fourth official had to stop him going on otherwise he would have got booked !

  10. 马术监事长有权利对于咒骂马匹和对官员们行为不当的选手出示黄牌警告。

    The Chief Steward has the authority to issue a yellow warning card for abuse to horses and incorrect behavior towards officials .

  11. 从曾经连续8年赢利的学习榜样到今朝领受偿付能力黄牌警告的坏孩子,为了上市而快速扩张的新华人寿在上市门口摔了一跤

    From a model company of making profits for 8 consecutive years to a bad boy with a paying ability warning , the company dropped at the gate of an IPO

  12. 综合评估方案设计及黄牌警告机制在免疫规划管理中的应用唉,托马斯为此而被黄牌警告真不幸。

    Comprehensive Assessment Framework Design and its Practice in Combining the Implementation of Yellow Card Warning on the Poor Performance County in EPI Management in Guangxi Well , Thomas it unlucky to be booked for that .