
  1. 发型设计师给OscardelaRenta、Theyskens、AnnaSui和PeterSom的模特挑染了几缕头发。

    Hairstylists at Oscar de la Renta , Theyskens , Anna Sui , and Peter Som added day-glo extensions to the models ' strands .

  2. 当时被誉为金发之王(KingofBlondes)的一位曼哈顿造型师给我做了头发挑染,我本身的自然发色就像一只毫无生气的老鼠。

    I had a Manhattan stylist renowned as the ' King of Blondes ' highlight my hair , whose natural color suggests a particularly lackluster mouse .

  3. 你的头发修剪过,还挑染了呢。

    You 've had a trim and highlighted your hair .

  4. 你把头发挑染了粉红色

    you had a pink stripe in your hair .

  5. 我想要挑染头发。

    I want to get my hair coloured .

  6. 挑染是非常细微的。

    The highlights are very subtle .

  7. 妻子们修饰的几乎完美,甩动着精心挑染微乱的头发。

    The wives are immaculately groomed , tossing waves of exquisitely streaked and tousled hair from left to right .

  8. 无论是全染,挑染还是局部染色,合适的颜色能够让你的生活更加充满生机。

    Be it all-over color , highlights , or lowlights , the right shade will make your look come to life .

  9. 女人则都不少于80美元,有些甚至会花300美元,又是染发,又是挑染。

    And no woman paid less than $ 80 , and some paid as much $ 300 , including coloring and highlighting .

  10. 挑染彩色可能是一时的,但我们没有看到这些流行色很快从美丽浪潮中消退!

    Technicolor Strands The color may be temporary , but we don 't see these trendy hues fading from the beauty radar anytime soon !

  11. 如果你不想挑染得看起来太抢眼的话,你应该选择比你的自然发色只淡一点点的颜色。

    If you don 't want the highlights to look too loud , you should choose only one or two shades lighter than your natural color .

  12. 头发不得有染得五颜六色之形为,挑染推荐,有惊鸿一现之感觉。

    Five , the hair can not have illicit intercourse colourful form is , pick to dye recommend , have surprised Hong a now it felling .

  13. 维吾尔地毯是维吾尔族具有悠久历史的手工产品,是以绘画、纺织、雕刻、针织、挑染等融为一体的综合艺术产物。

    Uyghur carpets are a hand-making product with a long history , and they are also a product integrating the arts of drawing , spinning and weaving , carving , and knitting .