
tiāo shí
  • Picky eaters;be fastidious about food;be very choosy about what one eats
挑食 [tiāo shí]
  • [be fastidiou about one's food] 对食物过分挑剔

  • 他不挑食,有什么吃什么

  1. 她太挑食。

    She 's such a fussy eater .

  2. 他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。

    They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination .

  3. 我几个儿子都很挑食。

    My boys have always been faddy eaters .

  4. 大多数孩子都会经历挑食的阶段。

    Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat .

  5. 众所周知,小孩子吃东西挑食。

    Everyone knows children are picky eaters .

  6. 我从不挑食。

    I 've never been a fussy eater

  7. 她不挑食。

    She is not fussy about her food

  8. (我儿子很挑食。他只吃油炸食品和甜食,一点绿菜都不吃!)

    My son is a fussy eater . He only eats fried food and sweets and refuses to have any greens !

  9. 不挑食不爱吃的东西也试着吃一两口。

    Take a bit maybe two of the stuff you hate .

  10. 我年轻时十分挑食。

    I was a really faddy eater when I was young .

  11. 她很挑食,买衣服也一样挑剔。

    She is fussy about foods and very picky about clothes .

  12. 我能看电视了,而且我再也不挑食了。

    I can watch TV and I am not picky any more .

  13. 原意是要表达:出售小狗:不挑食,喜欢与儿童相处。

    Dog for sale : eats anything and is fond of children .

  14. 大多数初学走路的婴儿都会经历一段挑食期。

    Most toddlers go through a period of picky eating .

  15. 我非常讨厌你挑食。

    I 'm sick and tired of your faddiness !

  16. 不要为我担心,我不是挑食的人。

    Don 't worry about me , I 'm not a fussy eater .

  17. 更换狗粮会让我的狗挑食吗?

    Won 't changing foods make my dog picky ?

  18. 我很高兴地看到这男孩不挑食。

    I 'm glad to see this boy is not particular about food .

  19. 培养幼儿不偏食、不挑食的饮食卫生习惯。

    Cultivate good habits about choice of food and not to be too selective .

  20. 这让我们比普通人更挑食,不是吗?

    Sort of makes us picky eaters than normal ones , doesn 't it ?

  21. 我是世界上最挑食的人,不轻易“眷顾”某顿饭菜。

    I was the worst picky eater to ever " grace " a table .

  22. 他不是在挑食,他只是在敷衍残羹剩饭!

    He 's not being fussy , he 's just stalling for table scraps .

  23. 挑食的人可能没法和别人融洽地进餐。

    Food brings people together like nothing else .

  24. 吃东西但求吃饱而不求山珍海味、不挑食是道的部份;

    To eat one 's fill without seeking for gourmet food is of Tao ;

  25. 老人每天6点半便睡觉,并且也从不挑食。

    She goes to sleep at 6:30 p.m. and is never picky about food .

  26. 事实也说明,贫困家庭的孩子很少有拒食和挑食的。

    The fact that children from poor families rarely have the antifeedant and choosy food .

  27. 从不哭泣,从不挑食。

    Never cry and carp at food .

  28. 爸爸:不可以挑食,这个对你的身体很好。

    Dad : Don 't be so picky . It 's good for your body .

  29. 对待食物,不要挑食,不要偏食,适可而止,不可吃得太饱。

    Eat just enough to get full , and never take more than you need .

  30. 如果你不挑食,就会获得所需的全部维生索。

    If you have a balanced diet , you are getting all the vitamins you need .