- 网络norwegian government

King Haakon and the Norwegian government continued the fight from exile in Rotherhithe , London .
The Norwegian government offered the throne of Norway to Danish Prince Carl who took the name of Haakon VII , after the medieval kings of independent Norway .
The challenge to innovate was issued using the collective resources of USAID , the government of Norway , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Grand Challenges Canada and the World Bank .
The Norwegian teenager Jon Johansen also got to enjoy the effect of the DMCA when the US government pushed the Norwegian government into imprisoning him .
My journey to school passed by the government quarter .
Running Norway 's government is Gro Harlem Brundtland , a52year-old doctor .
Norway requires companies to appoint women to 40 % of board-level positions .
The government has made clear that these attacks will not alter the freedom and openness of Norwegian society .
But an academic report commissioned by the government concluded that its management had in fact been too passive .
The group is two-thirds owned by the Norwegian state but Mr Lund insisted it was a non-political entity .
In fact , the assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets .
Staff from the Norwegian government have carried out conservation work on 10 of the churches over the past two years .
What the Norwegian Government is doing wrong is & it 's a little bit controversial , my pointing this out to them .
This year , the government approved the construction of new natural gas power plants , despite their heavy emissions of carbon dioxide .
The treat-bearing father atop the hill is the government , waving vast largesse from the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world .
In Oslo , I was attending meetings with representatives of the Norwegian governments along with my head of mission colleagues from all over the world .
Parts of this pilot will be funded by a grant from the Governance Partnership Facility , supported by the United Kingdom , the Netherlands and Norway .
The governments of Jordan and Norway signed an agreement last month ( 11 January ) to build a20-hectare demonstration centre near Aqaba on the Red Sea .
I showed them the slide that I just showed you , showing the optimal portfolio , and then I looked at the Norwegian Government 's position .
The Norwegian government 's pension fund recently decided to increase the share of equities in its $ 328bn portfolio to 60 per cent from 40 per cent .
The Norwegian government demanded that businesses increase the number of women on their boards to 40 percent , or they could suffer the punishment of being closed down .
In addition , the Government of Norway , the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault , donated $ 41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine .
Gene banks can be expensive but the Svalbard Gene Vault initiated in2007 by the Norwegian government and the Global Biodiversity Trust shows they don 't have to be .
The Norwegian Government has pension fund assets in the amount of , as of2006 , just under two trillion Norwegian Kroner ; but they also own North Sea Oil .
Even among the shortlisted cities , there are question marks over whether Oslo will stay in the race because of lukewarm support from the Norwegian government and public scepticism .
Mongstad-a billion-dollar development owned jointly by the Norwegian government and three oil companies , Statoil , Shell and Sasol of South Africa-is a rare exception that has actually opened .
The Norwegian government used its oil wealth to shield the country from the worst of the global downturn and is now rebounding more strongly than the rest of Europe after its first recession in two decades .
Last year , the governments of Italy , the United Kingdom , Canada , Russia and Norway joined with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . They provided one and a half billion dollars to launch the pneumococcal vaccine project .
The Norwegian NGO works with the national demining commission , CNIDAH , whichcoordinatesthe efforts of both NGOs and local demining teams .
We went to Norway to discuss the with the Norwegian Government their portfolio .