
  • 网络Prime Ministers of Norway
  1. 挪威首相埃尔娜·索尔贝格表示,4月20日起将逐渐取消封锁措施,孩子们也将回归学校。

    Prime Minister Erna Solberg has said lockdown measures will be slowly lifted starting April 20 as children go back to school .

  2. 日前,挪威首相被抓拍到偷玩手游《精灵宝可梦GO》。当时她的自由党对手特里娜·谢伊·格兰德正在议会上发言。

    Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was caught playing Pokemon Go while her liberal counterpart Trine Skei Grande was speaking in Parliament .

  3. 挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(JensStoltenberg)表示,挪威人民一定能够找到走出黑暗的道路。

    The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said the Norwegian people would find their way through the darkness .

  4. 同样是在本周五,挪威首相托尔滕贝格(JensStoltenberg)在首都奥斯陆举办了一次全国性的悼念仪式。

    Also Friday , Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg led a national memorial service in Oslo , the capital .

  5. 但是挪威首相的特别顾问ToreGodal否认了政界人士不需要研究。

    But Tore Godal , special advisor to the prime minister of Norway , denied that politicians do not demand research .

  6. 挪威首相斯托尔腾贝格表示,挪威在悲痛中团结一心。

    Prime Minister Stoltenberg says the country is united in grief .

  7. 大会上的主要发言者是挪威首相延斯•斯托尔滕贝格以及联合国人口基金执行主任托若亚•欧拜德。

    Keynote speakers at the Assembly were the Prime Minister of Norway , Jens Stoltenberg , and the Executive Director of UNFPA , Thoraya Obaid .

  8. 但是在星期六举行的一次记者会上,挪威首相斯托尔腾贝格表示,目前就袭击事件的动机得出任何结论还为时过早。

    But at a news conference Saturday , Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said it is too soon to draw any conclusions about what motivated the attack .

  9. 然后是挪威首相谢尔·马格纳·邦德维克,他说工作压力让自己患上了抑郁症,他需要休假。

    Then there was Kjell Magne Bondevik , the Norwegian prime minister , who said he was depressed through pressure of work and needed time off .

  10. 挪威首相斯托尔滕贝格7月27日(星期三)发表讲话说,挪威政府将就国家安全问题进行审议,这其中将包括警方部门的重组以及执法人员是否人手充足等问题。

    Speaking Wednesday , Norway 's prime minister , Jens Stoltenberg , said there will be a security review in Norway that will include police organization and capacity .

  11. 上周,我同英国首相戈登•布朗以及挪威首相延斯•斯托尔滕贝格一起参加了在伦敦举行的国际卫生伙伴关系启动仪式。

    Last week , I participated in the launch of the International Health Partnership in London , with Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway .

  12. 挪威首相表示,欧洲的情报部门目前已经在和挪威方面一道,调查上个星期在挪威发生至少76人死亡的恐怖袭击事件。挪威首相斯托尔滕贝格说,这次恐怖袭击事件之后,挪威的核心价值只会进一步加深。

    Norway 's prime minister says European intelligence agencies have joined the investigation into last week 's terror attacks that left at least 76 people dead . Jens Stoltenberg says the country 's core values will grow stronger .

  13. 在爆炸地点的献花仪式上,挪威首相说罪犯安德斯•布莱维克的行为并没有实现任何关于他所声称的摧毁挪威成为包容和多元化的社会的信奉。

    And in a wreath-laying ceremony at the bomb site , the Norwegian Prime Minister said the perpetrator Anders Breivik had failed in his declared goal of destroying Norway 's commitment to being an inclusive , multicultural society .

  14. 挪威首相厄纳·索尔伯格本周表示,挪威政府正在考虑一项议案,移动该国边界40米(约合130英尺)--从而在2017年的时候将一座山送给芬兰当做其独立100周年的礼物。

    Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said this week her government was considering a proposal to move the country 's border 40 meters ( about 130 feet ) -- gifting Finland a mountain for its 100 years of independence in 2017 .

  15. “归期延误,我将在纽约同步工作,”挪威报纸报道首相如是说。

    " due to the delays , I 'll be working from new york ," norwegian newspapers reported the president as saying .