
  1. 被试的情绪自评分数是显著受到了情境的影响,可以认为改造挫折情境是有利于改善挫折情绪的。

    Emotional subjects rated themselves are affected significantly context , can be considered the transformation of frustration situation is conducive to improving the emotional frustration .

  2. 本研究主要是了解高职生挫折情境和应对方式,研究其挫折应对特点,并针对性地进行应对技能训练,为高职院校开展心理健康教育提供依据。

    The study focuses on learning frustration situation and coping style of high vocational students , study their frustration coping characteristics , performing frustration coping skill training .

  3. 研究目的:1.编制一份高中生挫折情境问卷,并用以探讨高中生的挫折类型。

    Objective : 1 . To work out the questionnaire on the frustration of senior middle school students and explore the types of frustration of students with it .

  4. 教师心理弹性指教师在遭遇挫折和压力情境时,能够较好地适应环境,较快地从压力情境中恢复并获得良好发展的能力或特质。

    Teacher resilience refers to the teacher in the setbacks and the pressure situation , can well adapt to the environment , quickly recover from stress and obtain good development ability or quality .

  5. 决定学生能否有效应对挫折的一个重要因素在于他们的认知活动,特别是他们对挫折情境或挫折事件以及自我应对挫折的资源的评价。

    One key factor that decides whether the students can cope with the frustration correctly or not depends on their cognitions a lot ; especially how they evaluate frustration situation or frustration events and the resources of self frustration coping .