
  • 网络Insect catching net;butterfly net;Bug Net
  1. 直到现在,有些种植户还在使用自制的捕虫网。

    Until then , some growers are using home-made traps .

  2. 我像只猎犬般得意地小跑步到华格纳跟前,那时他正拿著白色细密的捕虫网在紫菀草上挥扫著。

    Like a spaniel , I trot proudly over to Wagner , who is whipping a fine white net through the ironweed .

  3. 1988和1990年秋季,在南京市郊江浦县用超高频雷达、气球拖带空中捕虫网及田间笼罩,对褐飞虱秋季回迁进行了研究。

    Radar , aerial netting and ground sampling were used to study the autumn migration of Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) in Jiangpu County , suburb of Nanjing City , in 1988 and 1990.Jiangpu with single middle and late rice .

  4. 在全国科研协作期间,各地根据其地形特点设立大型高山捕虫网,对迁飞性昆虫在我国上空的飞行动态进行研究,尤其是白背飞虱和褐飞虱。

    During the research collaboration in the country , Many large alpine insect nets were established according to topographical features across the country , and were used to observe the flight dynamics of migratory insects , especially white-backed planthopper and brown planthopper .