
bù dài
  • ambulacrum
步带[bù dài]
  1. 下一步就是带着聘用信和签过字的I-20表格到社会保障处申请社会安全号码。

    The next step is to take the job offer letter and the signed I-20 to the Social Security office where application is made for a Social Security Number .

  2. 寻到这个计划的第一步就是带着你的罪来到神的面前。

    The first big step in finding God 's plan for your life is to come to Him with your sin problem .

  3. 为了要计算你每分钟的步数,带上你的计步器,然后去你喜爱的运动地点。

    To calculate your steps per minute , put on your pedometer and head to your favorite walking spot .

  4. 本文的数值模型使用高阶二维边界元方法和可调节时间步长的基于二阶显式泰勒展开的混合欧拉-拉格郎日时间步进来求解带自由表面的完全非线性势流方程。

    It is also used to solve fully nonlinear potential flow equations with a free surface by use of a HOBEM ( higher-order boundary element method ) and a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian time updating based on second-order explicit Taylor series expansions with adaptive time steps .

  5. 只要跟着这三步走:怎么带,怎么折,然后怎么(啊)把东西全装进去。

    Just follow this three-step plan on what to bring , how to fold , and where to ( phew !)

  6. 我保证永远支持你们……不管正义之战下一步会把我们带到哪里。

    And I promise to always be by your side ... no matter where the fight for justice takes us next .

  7. 我喜欢一个人穿过树林,安静的孤独的欣赏大自然的神韵,听自己一步一步的带着忧伤的脚步声;

    I like a person through the woods , quiet solitude appreciation of the nuances of nature , listen to their step-by-step with sadness footsteps ;

  8. 模具设计应保证最少的任何改变料带步距的料带扭曲。

    A die should be designed to minimize any strip distortion which would tend to change the distance between pilot holes ( alter the progression ) .

  9. 我没做冥想,我也没试试薰衣草枕头,但是我按赫芬顿的建议做出重要的一步:把所有带屏幕的东西拿出了卧室。

    I 'm not meditating ; I 'm not trying lavender pillows , but I am following Huffington in one big way . I have banished all screens from the bedroom .

  10. 下一步是将设计带到远程IT服务器群和他人共享服务器群,如同大型主机时代,只不过现在是在远程使用。

    The next step is to bring the designs out to remote IT server farms and share server farms with others , as in the mainframe era , but now used remotely .

  11. 心如果建立在正确的基础上,则所行进的道路必然不会偏差,将一步一步把我们带往涅盘。

    With a mind that is well-grounded , we are able to progress on a correct path which will step by step lead us to Nirvana .

  12. 我迈出了第一步,虽然很盲目,但这一步带我在这条道路上走到了今天。

    I took the first step , albeit blindly , and it put me on the path to where I am today .