
bù sù
  • pace;leg speed
步速[bù sù]
  1. 随后根据调查数据,详细分析了春运期间旅客行走占用空间、步频、步速等信息,结合交通流理论,从微观角度找出旅客个体行走规律,建立春运期间旅客动态交通流模型。

    According to survey data , walking space , stride frequency , leg speed and so on are analyzed in detail . On the basis of traffic flow theory , from the aspect of microcosmic , dynamic traffic flow model about Spring Festival passengers was built .

  2. 她知道她当时跑得多快,因为她的教练骑着脚踏车在为她定步速。

    She knew how fast she was running , because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle .

  3. “基普桑数字”指一个人能以威尔森·基普桑创造马拉松世界纪录时的平均步速跑出的最长距离。显然,“基普桑数字”与运动员威尔森·吉普森有关,他是何许人也?

    Kipsang number refers to the maximum distance a person could run at the average pace used by Wilson Kipsang while setting1 the marathon world record .

  4. 随访发现B组步速明显快于A组,差异有显著性(P<005)。

    The prosthesis was more expensive and patients had faster walking speeds in the B group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. n.一步;步速;步法那老人只能缓步行走。……

    pace The old man can walk only at a slow pace .......

  6. 研究组在4周后步速、步长、Barthel指数评分与治疗前比较均明显提高(P0.01、P0.05、P0.01),并优于对照组(P0.05)。

    In treatment group , pace velocity , stride length and Barthel score were remarkably increased after treatment ( P0.01 , P0.05 and P0.01 respectively ) .

  7. 最后,用1片ispLSI1016高密度可编程芯片并采用ISP(InSystemProgram)编程方法设计出步速测量电路。

    We have used a piece of ispLSI 1016 superintegrated and programmable chip and adopt ISP ( In System Program ) to design and constitute the walking speed measuring circuit .

  8. 跳舞垫上灯光闪耀,指示你移动舞步,并根据你的步速进行评分&就像一台家庭DDR跳舞机!

    It lights up to teach dance moves , and scores you based on how quickly you step – like a DDR machine for the home !

  9. 结论:BWSTT可提高偏瘫患者的步行能力、步速、步长,增加患侧单肢支撑期,减少双侧支撑期,改善步态对称性。

    Conclusion : BWSTT can improve the walking ability 、 walking speed and stride length , increase the percentage of paretic single stance period , decrease the percentage of double stance period , improve overall gait symmetry on hemiplegic patients .

  10. 跑得最快的人确定了步速,其他人在后面跟着跑。

    The fastest runner set the pace and the others followed .

  11. 她的教练骑着一辆摩托慢慢跟随着她为她测步速。

    Her trainer paced her on a motorcar following her slowly .

  12. 那个跑步运动员在整个赛程中保持相同的步速。

    The runner sustained the same pace throughout the race .

  13. 新闻业就是奔波着续写历史,我们便记录着这步速。

    Journalism is history written on the run and we record the race .

  14. 步速增加(P<0.05)。

    The walking speed had significantly increased ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  15. 智能人工腿步速测量数字电路的设计与分析

    Design and analysis of digital circuit for walking speed measurement of intelligent artificial legs

  16. 我觉得这种步速跑起来轻松,所以我就决定保持这种速度。

    The pace was comfortable , so I decided to stay where I was .

  17. “跑得较快的赛跑者决定步速,其他的人则跟着跑。”

    " The fast runner set the pace , and the others followed . "

  18. 他设法保持住步速。

    He managed to maintain his stride .

  19. 采取自然步速:她的秘密是耐心。&爱默生

    Adopt the pace of nature : her secret is patience . & Ralph Waldo Emerson

  20. 只让我们知道他的鞋码、身高、步法和步速。

    Except his shoe size , his height , his gait , his walking pace .

  21. 当我们进行这项训练时,确保步速正确。

    And while we are on the subject – make sure you get the pace right .

  22. CIP-Ⅰ智能仿生人工腿步速测量系统研究与设计

    Study and Design of Walking Speed Measurement System of CIP - ⅰ Intelligent Bionic Artificial Leg

  23. 其主要特点是能根据外界环境变化自动调整步幅、步速等参数。

    Its main feature is that it can tune the parameters automatically according to the circumstance .

  24. 我的运动员打算先用平稳的步速跑几圈,然后在距终点800米处冲刺。

    My athlete plans to run even pace laps then make a break eight hundred meters from home .

  25. 结论:行走和跑步两种步态模式的参数具有明显差异,步速对步态参数的影响要小于步态模式的影响。

    Conclusion : The effect of gait pattern upon kinematic parameters of walking gait is more obviously than that of walking speed .

  26. 智能人工腿是一个精密的机电一体化装置,其关键部件之一是步速测量电路。

    An intelligent artificial leg is a precise electromechanical device , one of whose key components is the walking speed measuring circuit .

  27. 接着,一半的学生以逐渐增强的步速登室内自行车,直到筋疲力尽为止。

    Afterward , half of the students rode a stationary bicycle , at an increasingly strenuous pace , until they were exhausted .

  28. 另外,随着对步速的监控,发现身体出现新问题的比率降低,这尚需评价。

    Also , gait speed might be monitored over time , with a decline indicating a new health problem that requires evaluation .

  29. 结果:自然步速下,垂直方向上地面反力峰峰值随鞋跟高度增加而增大;

    Result : In self-comfortable walking speed , the peak to peak amplitude of the vertical GRF increased with shoe heel height increasing .

  30. 截面承受偏心压缩荷载,各种步速下偏心荷载的作用点的相对位置保持不变;

    The cross-section is subjected to eccentric axial compressive load : the relative location of load application point never changes on each step rate ;