
bǔ yíng cǎo
  • Venus flytrap;Dionaea muscipula
捕蝇草[bǔ yíng cǎo]
  1. 食虫植物捕蝇草叶片的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Leaves from Insectivorous Plant Dionaea muscipula

  2. Q.如果捕蝇草可以吃人,那么一个人大约需要多久才会被捕蝇草完全液化并吸收呢?

    Q. If a Venus fly trap could eat a person , about how long would it take for the human to be fully de-juiced and absorbed ?

  3. 这是这是捕蝇草。

    This is the Venus Fly Trap .

  4. 开有红色或粉红色花朵的欧洲两年生捕蝇草;有时归于剪秋罗属。

    Biennial European catchfly having red or pink flowers ; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis .

  5. 一个广布的植物大属,花大多美丽,有各种颜色;剪秋罗属植物;蝇子草属植物,捕蝇草。

    Large widely distributed genus of plants having mostly showy flowers of various colors : campion ; catchfly .

  6. 阿什宝接着说到:“维纳斯捕蝇草是靠食肉来成长壮大的,蚊子肉的味道应该不赖!”

    " Venus flytraps get fat and hardy on meat ," Ashbaugh said . " And mosquitoes are damn tasty meat !"

  7. 很少有其他植物有这种快速摇动枝叶的能力(如捕蝇草),但舞草是最神奇且不为人所知。

    There are a few other plants with rapid movement abilities ( such as the venus fly trap ) but this is the most bizarre and least known .

  8. 我本来要摘朵花给你的,但没想到它是一个捕蝇草,而且他咬了我的头,所以我就杀了它并且拿了这么一片草来代替。

    I went to pick you a flower , but it was a venus fly trap and it bit my head , so I killed it and got you this piece of grass instead .

  9. 下一步我打算成为一个花草匠,我将研究下维纳斯捕蝇草的捕食策略和技巧,看看它们是耍了什么花招来吓唬杀死猎物的。

    Next on my agenda : becoming a plant guy , Ashbaugh said . I 'm going to study the strategies and techniques of Venus flytraps to see what cool tricks they have to kill and scare their prey .

  10. 捕蝇草一种蝇子草属和剪秋罗属植物,原产地主要在北半球。开白色、粉红色、红色或紫色花朵,茎和花萼有粘性,会粘住小昆虫。

    Any of several plants of the genera Silene and lychnis , native chiefly to the northern hemisphere and having white , pink , red , or purplish flowers and sticky stems and calyxes on which small insects may become stuck .