
pén jǐng
  • bonsai;potted landscape;miniature trees and rockery;potted trees and rockery;dishgarden
盆景 [pén jǐng]
  • [potted landscape;potted trees and rockery] 用植物或水、石等,经艺术加工,种植或布置于盆中,使之成为自然景物缩影的一种陈设品

盆景[pén jǐng]
  1. 提出我国应将盆景申请为世界非物质文化遗产的建议。

    And the proposal that Chinese potted landscape should apply for nonmaterial world cultrural heritage is put forward .

  2. 张家界是国际著名的旅游城市,1990年被列入世界自然遗产名录中。这里独特的地理环境,为盆景树种资源的生长提供了条件。

    Zhangjiajie is the internationally famous tourist city , it was listed in the natural legacy register of the world in 1990 . The unique geographical environment has offered the condition for growth of seeds resource of potted landscape .

  3. Flyte从一月上市以来一直卖得很好,因此该公司计划推出一整个系列的悬浮产品。六月份该公司还推出了悬浮盆景Lyfe。

    Flyte has sold so well since its official January launch that the company is planning to introduce a whole ecosystem of floating products , including a planter , Lyfe , which debuted in June .

  4. 请购厅堂盆景花,美化你的生活。

    Please Buy potted landscapes , which can Beautify your life .

  5. 打扰了,我能进来看看盆景吗?

    Excuse me , Can I enter for seeing the bonsai ?

  6. 这款“光子充电”装置看上去就像一棵太阳能充电盆景。

    PhotonSynthesis is a device which looks like a solar-cell bonsai .

  7. 移植的(足母)甲瓣及跖趾关节全部成活。农业科技园何时从观赏盆景到田间花园

    The transplants were all survived . From Potted Landscape to Garden

  8. 清代盆景文化之个案研究

    A Monographic Study of Qing Dynasty Potted - Landscape Culture

  9. 敬畏山水竹子盆景的制作

    Awe of nature creation and appreciation on potted bamboo landscape

  10. 玉器制品的种类有首饰、艺术品和玉石盆景三种。

    The principal jade objects include jewelry , handicrafts and miniature landscapes .

  11. 不同栽培基质配比对竹苗盆景生长影响的研究

    Study on Effect of Different Cultivation Medium Ratio on Growth Bamboo Bonsai

  12. 沂州海棠盆景制作与花期调控技术研究

    Research and Technology for Flowering Control and Bonsai Production of Chaenomeles speciosa

  13. 这是一颗盆景数,适合放在你的新居里。

    It 's a bonsai tree for your new apartment .

  14. 中州盆景作品也大多数为杂木类树桩盆景。

    Central Plains bonsai works are also mostly hardwood stumps bonsai classes .

  15. 在华北地区创立北京风格树木盆景的实施方略

    The implementation plan of establishing Beijing style tree bonsai in North China

  16. 贮水树脂胶在盆景土壤中的持水能力研究

    The study of improving soil water retaining capacity by using resin gum

  17. 出境介质盆景线虫分离检验方法的改进试验

    Improve Experiment on Nematode Isolation Method for Export Bonsai Medium

  18. 果树盆景促花·保果技术措施

    Technical Measures of Promoting Blooming and Fruiting of Fruit Bonsai

  19. 灵芝盆景培育与造型技术信阳山区盆景发展现状与前景分析

    The present situation and foreground analysis of the potted landscape development in Xinyang

  20. 盆景用这种方式培植出的树或灌木。

    A tree or shrub grown by this method .

  21. 花桃盆景培育及催花技术

    The Breeding of Peachblossom Miniascape and Flower Forcing Technique

  22. 像不像一个天然的大盆景?

    Does it look like a huge natural bonsai ?

  23. 万寿山、佛香阁,不过是些点缀的盆景。

    Longevity Hill , Buddhist Club , but is more embellishment of bonsai .

  24. 一座小巧玲珑的园林就是一座美丽的盆景。

    A small and elegant garden is just like a beautiful potted landscape .

  25. 张家界盆景树种资源的合理开发利用

    Reasonable exploitation of potteds landscape seeds resource in Zhangjiajie

  26. 梅花盆景盆栽快速生产研究初报

    Preliminary Report on Fast Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower

  27. 小七孔贵州的超级盆景

    Little seven holes , super miniature garden in Guizhou

  28. 像生盆景是清代宫廷中的陈设用品,多寓意吉祥。

    Artificial bonsai was used for decoration and had the meaning of auspiciousness .

  29. 学校会有许多的绿色盆景。

    There will be many plants in the school .

  30. 银杏盆景的观赏价值及其制作技艺

    The Ornamental Value and Manufacture Skills of Ginkgo bonsai