
  • 网络collection efficiency;capture efficiency
  1. 燃煤飞灰中PM2.5捕集效率的数学模型的研究

    The Research of Mathematical Model of Collection Efficiency of PM2.5 in Coal-fired Fine Fly Ash

  2. 褶型空气滤清器捕集效率及压力损失

    Study on Collection Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Pleated Air Filters

  3. NaOH溶液对~(14)CO2累积捕集效率的刻度装置

    A calibration device 14 CO 2 removal efficiency of NaOH solution

  4. 用响应曲面法研究高梯度磁场下燃煤PM(10)的捕集效率

    Study on Capture Efficiency of PM_ ( 10 ) From Coal Combustion in High Gradient Magnetic Field Using Response Surface Methodology

  5. 除尘器对细灰捕集效率不高,PM2.5除尘效率为90.6%。

    Efficiency of the dust catcher for fine dust is lower than that for normal amounts to 90.6 % only .

  6. 本文介绍了有关NaOH溶液对14CO2累积捕集效率的刻度装置和测量样品的制备过程。

    This paper presents a calibration device for 14 CO 2 removal efficiency of NaOH solution , and the preparation and measuring process of samples .

  7. 研究其静压力分布、速度分布、碳颗粒浓度分布规律,并对比分析ESC几种工况下的流场状况及捕集效率。

    The effect of the static pressure , velocity and carbon particle volume fraction distributing rules on filter regeneration was conducted . The comparison of the flow conditions and trapping efficiency in several operating conditions of ESC test cycle was analyzed .

  8. 用Davies法,计算0.01~2μm区间6种粒径粒子的单粒度单纤维的总捕集效率,说明独立存在的噬菌体容易被有效地捕集;

    According to Davies method , the general efficiency of single fibre filter collecting particles ( 0.01 ~ 2 μ m ) in monodisperse aerosol of six sizes was calculated . The phages existing separately could be collected easily and effectively .

  9. 采用电称低压冲击器(ELPI)在线实时测量了颗粒浓度的变化,系统研究了颗粒磁性、磁场强度、气溶胶流速和磁介质填充率对颗粒捕集效率的影响。

    The variation of particle number concentration caused by high gradient magnetic field was measured by the electrical low pressure impactor ( ELPI ) . Effects of particle magnetization , magnetic flux density , aerosol velocity and fill ratio of ferromagnet media on particle capture efficiency have been systematically studied .

  10. 滤尘风机捕集效率的理论研究

    Research for Collection Efficiency of Filtrating Dust Fan in Theories

  11. 显著提高细粉捕集效率专利技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of patent technology about improving efficiency of collecting fine powder

  12. 电旋风壁面沉积特性及捕集效率的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Deposition Characteristics and Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic Cyclonic Precipitator

  13. 纤维过滤介质捕集效率数学模型的研究

    Mathematical Model Research on Collection Efficiency of Fibrous Filters

  14. 纤维过滤器的压力损失和捕集效率是纤维过滤器非常重要的性能参数。

    Pressure drop , capture efficiency are very important performance parameters of fibrous filter .

  15. 旋风分离器捕集效率的无量纲表示

    The Dimensionless Representation of Collection Efficiency of Cyclones

  16. 柴油机微粒捕捉器捕集效率模型的研究

    Study on the Trapping Efficiency of Particulate Filter

  17. 实验室模拟采样的捕集效率为957%~991%。

    The trap efficiency of simulated sampling in laboratory was 95.7 % ~ 99.1 % .

  18. 气溶胶过滤捕集效率的理论研究

    Research on aerosol filtration collection efficiency

  19. 捕集效率和压力损失是其两个最重要的性能指标。

    For these kinds of traps , collection efficiency and pressure drop are the two most important characteristics .

  20. 研究表明随机模型的分维数与其压力损失以及捕集效率存在着影响关系。

    The conclusion is the fractural dimension of random model has related to pressure drop and collection efficiency .

  21. 考察了吹扫温度、吹扫时间等对吹扫捕集效率和方法检出限的影响。

    The effects of purge temperature and purge time on the trap efficiency and detection limits were investigated .

  22. 为了避免固体很快损失,旋风分离器和电器除尘器应当有很高的捕集效率。

    To avoid rapid loss of solids , cyclones and electrostatic precipitators should have a very high collecting efficiency .

  23. 建立了水银退出效率、捕集效率和孔-喉体积比三者间的数学联系;

    Mathematical relations between mercury withdrawal and trap effi - ciency , ratio of pore - throat volume are estimated .

  24. 实验得出,土聚物固化体对Pb~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)等重金属离子的捕集效率达到99.7%以上。

    It shows that the solidification efficiency of Pb2 + , Cu2 + , Cd2 + are more than 99.7 % .

  25. 接着用此返流函数计算了入口和出口流速分布改变所引起的捕集效率的改变。

    Then the reentrainment function is applied to determine the collection efficiency response to the variation in gas velocity distributionsacross the precipitator entrance and exit .

  26. 压力损失、捕集效率是纤维过滤器两个重要性能参数。对此,国内外学者已经开展了相关的研究。

    Pressure drop and collection efficiency are two main performance parameters of fiber filter , to which scholars from domestic and overseas have made researches .

  27. 文丘里洗涤器是效率最高的湿式洗涤器,但其对于细小粉尘的高捕集效率是以很高的气体压力损失为代价的。

    Venturi scrubber is the most efficient wet scrubbing device for the collection of fine particles , but it collects small particles at high pressure loss .

  28. 计算结果表明,脉冲放电加大了微粒的湍流掺混程度,使微粒的静电捕集效率降低。

    The results of calculation show that the turbulent mixing of particulate is increased with pulse corona discharge , so the collection efficiency of particulate is decreased .

  29. 结果表明:在0.1-10μm范围内,颗粒的总捕集效率可以达到25%-36%;

    The results show that , within the particle size of 0.1 to 10 μ m , the particle capture efficiency ranges from 25 % to 36 % .

  30. 台架和实车道路实验结果表明:袋式消烟器工作可靠,微粒捕集效率达90%以上。

    Tests of the particulale collector on engine dynamometer bench and high road bus running showed that the collector worked reliably with particulate filtering efficiency more than 90 % .