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  • twist with the fingers
  • sth made by twisting
  • 用手指搓转(zhuàn ):~麻绳。

  • 搓成的条状物:灯~儿。

  • 古同“捏”,用拇指和其他手指夹住。

  1. 他用手指捻动着铅笔。

    He was rolling a pencil between his fingers .

  2. 他把香烟按在烟灰缸里捻灭。

    He ground his cigarette into the ashtray .

  3. “好吧,”我边说边紧张不安地把香烟在花岗岩台阶上捻灭。

    ' Well , ' I said , grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step .

  4. 埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。

    Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand

  5. 他用手指把面包捻碎。

    He crumbled the bread in his fingers .

  6. 把金属线拉紧,然后把两头捻紧.

    Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round .

  7. 用E玻璃无捻粗纱作增强材料。

    E-glass fiber is used as reinforcement .

  8. 混比与捻系数对Modal纤维纱强度的影响

    Influence of the blended ratio and the twist factor on the modal yarn strength

  9. 这些粗绳可能被加上S捻,也可能被加上Z捻。

    Yarns , cords , and cables may be twisted in either S or Z direction .

  10. 论述了采用Modal纤维利用无捻纱复合技术开发毛巾用纱的工艺方案及工艺措施。

    It discussed the technics scheme & technics measure of adoption Modal fibre and application twistless yarn complex technology .

  11. PROFIBUS现场总线技术在化纤行业假捻机控制上的应用

    PROFIBUS Technique Application to the Control of Twister

  12. 如果你用右手顺时针的旋转它,S捻的纱线会越变越紧,Z捻的纱线会越变越松。

    When it is rolled clockwise by your right hand , an S-twist yarn will become tighter and a Z-twist yarn looser .

  13. 然而,人们习惯性的生产棉和亚麻纱线时用Z捻,生产羊毛和精纺毛料纱线时用S捻。

    However , it is customary to produce cotton and linen yarns with a Z-twist and woolen and worsted yarns with an S-twist .

  14. 棉Tencel混纺竹节倍捻合股线的开发

    Development of Cotton Tencel Blended Slub Yarn Double Twist Ply

  15. SDS导丝胶辊为英国斯克格SDS系列高速纺涤纶长丝假捻机用器材。

    SDS rubber guide roller is one part of the high speed false twisting machine of SDS series imported from England .

  16. 解捻张力的选择对于DTY的毛丝状况影响较大。

    The choice of untwist affect the feather of DTY very much .

  17. 文章介绍了制取聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT)的POY的切片干燥、纺丝及假捻等工艺条件,及其POY和DTY的质量指标。

    Technological conditions for manufacturing POY of PBT include chip drying , spinning and texturing etc.

  18. 多股细线集捻而成,形成众多圆周表皮,以降低集肤效应,使高频等效电阻下降,而提高Q值。

    By twisting multi-wires together , the surface area will be maximized in order to lower skin effect and resistance at high frequence for higher " Q " value .

  19. 本文论述了软质无捻粗纱浸润剂WP聚酯乳液的合成及乳化方法,介绍了其性能及应用情况。

    The synthesis and emulsification method of WP polyester emulsion and its preparation and application are introduced in this paper .

  20. 捻转血矛线虫ZJ株15kD分泌排泄蛋白基因的克隆其在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Cloning and Expression of the 15 kD Excretory-secretory Protein Gene of Haemonchus contortus ZJ Strain

  21. 钢丝绳是牵引胶带运输机的关键部件之一,选用SW型结构,用韧性高、强度适中的钢丝捻制。

    Wire rope is one of the important parts of pulling tape transport machine , using SW structure and high toughness , moderate strength wire to lay .

  22. 本文通过试验研究结果论述了技改型S2高强玻璃纤维无捻粗纱的技术性能及其在军工及民用复合材料制品上的应用性能。

    This paper describes experimentally the technical properties of improved S2 high strength glass roving and its application properties of composites products in military and civil application .

  23. 结论头皮针抽提法对改善脑血栓形成后恢复期偏瘫患者运动功能,提高患者ADL能力的作用优于头皮针捻转法;

    Conclusion SADM was superior to scalp-acupuncture twisting method in improving the patients ' motor function of extremity and ADL in hemiplegia patients following cerebral thrombosis at convalescent period ;

  24. 通过对热板温度、加弹速度、拉伸比、DY比、假捻张力等工艺参数的调整,探讨了影响锦纶6弹力丝生产的主要因素。

    The influence of process conditions such as hot-plate temperature , draw texturing rate , D / Y ratio , false twist tension on producing PA6 yarn are described .

  25. 捻转血矛线虫HLJ株15ES抗原基因的原核表达

    Prokaryotic expression of Haemonchus contortus HLJ strain 15ES antigen gene

  26. 根据其他研究者的报道及研究结果来看,其中GPX和Lipase都是和捻转血矛线虫发育调节相关的蛋白,Dim-1是具有强免疫原性的蛋白。

    It was reported that GPX and Lipase were involved in developmental regulation of H. contortus , and Dim-1 was a strongly immunogenic protein .

  27. 对塑化液采用不同导入时间(30、60、90s),不同导入方法(锉,光滑髓针,棉捻)在牙本质内扩散距离的影响进行了离体牙实验。

    The diffusion distances of resinous liquid in dentin at the introduced time of 30 , 60 and 90s with file , smooth broach and cotton reservoir were investigated in the in vitro experiments .

  28. 方法:应用红外线热像技术,采用不同的捻转补泻手法针刺健康人足三里后,观察其在即刻、10、20、30min,对脘腹部皮肤温度的影响。

    Methods : The influence on skin temperature of epigastrium was observed with infrared thermogram 0,10,20,30 minutes after needling Zusanli with different acupuncture manipulation in healthy persons .

  29. A504细纱机用于纺制强弱捻纱的改造

    Spinning variational twist yarn by ring spinning frame

  30. 方法对急性根尖周炎患牙,作常规根管处理后,随机选用FE复合酶或甲醛甲酚(FC)封入根管,并与消毒干棉捻封入根管相对照比较。

    Methods After removing the decayed dental tissues in the infected root canal preliminarily , FE Compound Enzyme or FC was selected to seal the root canal respectively and resourcefully , contrasted with sterilized dry cotton spill to seal the root canal of acute apical periodontitis .