
  • 网络tunneling assmbly;tunnnelling machinery;heading assembly
  1. 岩巷掘进机械化作业线配套优化

    The Optimization of Equipment Combination for Mechanized Rock Tunnelling Operation Lines

  2. VE在岩巷掘进机械化作业线配套研究中的应用

    Application of VE in the research on rock heading machine assembly

  3. 煤矿掘进机械化配套系统的最优决策方法

    A New Decision Method for Coal Mine Driving Mechanization Mating System

  4. 工程钻探和掘进机械中国机械进出口公司中国机械进出口总公司

    Engineering boring and drilling devices China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation

  5. 工程钻探和掘进机械【采矿】机械浮选槽

    Engineering boring and drilling devices mechanical floatation cell

  6. 掘进机械的动态分析之管见

    Opinions on dynamic analysis of excavating machines

  7. 几种掘进机械液压系统的分析

    Analysis of Hydraulic Systems for Roadheader

  8. 双油管采气井口装置深井大断面岩巷快速掘进机械化作业线配置

    Allocation of Mechanized Operation Line for Rapid Heading in Deep Mine Large Cross Section Rock Roadway

  9. 工程钻探和掘进机械

    Engineering boring and drilling devices

  10. 岩巷掘进机械化

    Mechanized Drifting In Rock

  11. 本文论述了掘进机械动态分析的意义、分析方法、数字仿真和建模。

    This paper discusses the dynamic analysis of excavating machines in analytical method , digital simulation and modelling method .

  12. 文中还说明了数字仿真和功率键合图方法在掘进机械动态分析中的有关概念和作用。

    Besides , some concepts and functions of digital simulation and power bond graph method are explained in the paper .

  13. 工程钻探和掘进机械岩平巷无轨胶轮车机械化作业线快速施工技术

    Engineering boring and drilling devices Speed Construction Technology in Rocky Level Gallery by Using Mechanized Operating Line with Trackless Rubber Wheel Vehicle

  14. 综掘巷道机械化临时护顶装置的研究与应用深井大断面岩巷快速掘进机械化作业线配置

    The Temporary Support Set in Fully-mechanized Excavation Draft Allocation of Mechanized Operation Line for Rapid Heading in Deep Mine Large Cross Section Rock Roadway

  15. 深井大断面岩巷快速掘进机械化作业线配置提高大功率快速熔断器熔断后高温绝缘能力的物理机制

    Allocation of Mechanized Operation Line for Rapid Heading in Deep Mine Large Cross Section Rock Roadway THE MECHANISM OF INCREASING HIGH TEMPERATURE INSULATION RESISTANCE OF FUSE

  16. 土压平衡(EarthPressureBalance,EPB)式盾构是在盾构施工中较为普遍使用的一种隧道掘进专用工程机械。

    Earth Pressure Balance ( EPB ) shield is the shield of the more commonly used in the construction of a tunnel boring Special Construction Machinery .

  17. 特长隧道快速掘进主要施工机械的配套与改造

    Matching and Retrofit of Main Construction Equipment in Fast Excavation of Extra-long Tunnel

  18. 硬岩隧道掘进机常见机械故障分析及相应处理方法

    Analysis of the breakdowns of TBMs in boring hard rocks and their corresponding countermeasures

  19. 随着掘进工作面机械化的发展,混合式通风方式已经被广泛地应用。

    Along with the tunneling working surface mechanization development , the mixed style ventilated the way already widely to apply .

  20. 我掌管着一台“鼹鼠”,这是一种大型隧道掘进机,这些机械正在地下为连通伦敦东部和西部的横贯铁路(Crossrail)项目作业。

    I 'm in charge of a " mole , " one of the giant tunnel-digging machines that are burrowing under London for the Crossrail project , linking the east and west of the city .

  21. 平巷掘进装岩运输机械系统可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of rock-loading transport mechanical system of gallery driving

  22. 高突掘进工作面装载机械及配套设备的应用煤巷机械化快速掘进瓦斯涌出规律的探讨

    Application of Loading Machinery and Ancillary Equipment on Coal ( Rock ) and Gas Outburst Excavating Face

  23. 本文用可靠性理论,定量分析了平巷掘进装岩输机械系统的可靠性。

    The paper according the theory of reliability , quantified analysis reliability of rock-loading transport mechanical system of gallery driving .

  24. 盾构机是一种隧道掘进的专用工程机械,它广泛地应用于城市地铁、公路隧道等隧道工程之中。

    Shield TBM is a kind of special engineering machine for tunnel excavation , which is widely applied in tunnel constructions such as metro subways and road tunnels .

  25. 随着隧道施工机械化程度的提高,在特长小断面隧道工程中采用钻爆法掘进施工时,机械配套是制约掘进速度的重要条件。

    With the increase of mechanization level in tunnel construction , matching of machine becomes an important condition that determines tunneling speed in the construction of extra-long and small cross section tunnel .

  26. 掘进机依靠转换机械能来破碎岩石,相对比之前人们通过钻爆法开挖隧道,掘进机具有经济、安全、快速、优质等一系列优点而被推广。

    Road headers break the huge rocks by converting mechanical energy , in contrast to the previous drilling and blasting method . Thus they are popularized for the advantages of economy , safety , high speed and good quality .

  27. 煤巷综合机械化掘进快速过断层技术工程钻探和掘进机械

    Rapid Passing Through Fault Technology of Fully Mechanized Gateway Driving engineering boring and drilling devices

  28. 悬臂式掘进机是煤岩巷道掘进的主要机械设备,其性能的优劣直接关系到掘进效率。

    Cantilevered roadheader is the main mechanical equipment of coal tunneling , and its performance equality is directly related to drivage efficiency .

  29. 硬岩掘进机(TBM)是实现隧道掘进作业机械化、自动化的重大技术装备,液压技术在其上得到广泛应用。

    TBM is a key technical equipment to achieve mechanization and automation in tunnel driving construction , hydraulic technology was widely used in the equipment .

  30. 目前,悬臂式掘进机在我国的矿业生产中得到了广泛的应用,为了提高掘进机掘进巷道断面机械化、自动化程度以及提高效率,研究掘进机的成形控制系统具有重大意义。

    Nowadays , boom-type roadheader machines are widely used in mining production in our country . For improving its mechanization and automation , increasing its efficiency , it is very important to improve its shaping control system .