
  1. 其优点有减少巷道掘进量、降低开掘率、改善巷道维护、缓解采掘接替矛盾、技术和经济效益显著等。

    Its advantages have reducing the amount of roadway excavation , reduced roadway excavation rate , improve roadway maintenance , significant of economic and technical benefits and so on .

  2. 将影响项目财务业绩的其他设计因素包括在长壁生产前已完成的开拓掘进量,以及长壁生产的实际起点。

    Other design factors which impact on overall project financial performance concern the amount of development driveage undertaken prior to longwall production , and the actual commencement of longwall production .

  3. 与常规设计相比降低硐室掘进工程量10%,降低爆破成本约4万元。

    The dig engineering quantity of chamber is decreased by 10 % and the blasting cost is decreased by about 0.04 million yuan compared with ordinary engineering design .

  4. 提出了盾构机姿态不良时掘进超挖量的理论计算公式,并研究了如何较好控制沉降措施。

    The overbreak amount calculation formula of shield machine with poor attitude is proposed , and study how to better control the settlement measures .

  5. 观测结果的分析表明,沿巷道掘进方向变形量变化范围较大,不同部位的锚杆、锚索的受力也相差甚远。

    Based on the analysis of the observed results , it was shown that the variation of deformation along the direction of drift driving was greater .

  6. 新奥法施工隧道掘进作业接尘量调查

    Survey of Exposed Dust of Tunnel Driving Working under Construction with NATM