
tàn zi
  • scout;sound;spotter
探子 [tàn zǐ]
  • (1) [sout]∶指从事情报搜集和传递工作的人

  • (2) [sound]∶用以探测食管、尿道、子宫等腔中有无异物、狭窄或其他异常状况的长形器械式探针

探子[tàn zi]
  1. 有一天,派出去的探子回来报告,说陈仓守将郝昭病重。

    One day , a scout came back to report that Hao Zhao was seriously ill .

  2. 我试着张开了一只眼睛&一个牛头人的侧像。他是摩丽尔女王的一个探子。

    I risk opening one eye-the silhouette was of a minotaur , a scout of Quenn Mutare .

  3. 科学家可以制造出特异的(specific)互补DNA's(cDNA's),以此作为分子探子(molecularprobe),探觅出肽激素的信使RNA's(mRNA's)。

    It is possible to make specific complementary DNA 's ( cDNA 's ) that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA 's ( mRNA 's ) of the peptide hormones .

  4. SHHH,这是一次秘密的行动,他们要去作探子!

    Shhh ! They were to go on a secret mission as spies !

  5. 中国大陆科学钻探钻探子工程钻进实时记录网页的开发

    The Development of the Real Time Drilling Parameter Web Page for CCSD

  6. 他们认为我们是探子,后面有成千人。

    They think we 're the first and thousands will follow us .

  7. 探子告诉我,他们的弓箭手还在数英里之外。

    My scouts say their archers are miles away and no threat .

  8. 直视下丝状探子尿道扩张术治疗尿道狭窄

    Direct vision filiform probe dilatation for treatment of urethral stricture

  9. 约书亚派这两个探子进耶利哥城把喇合和家人带出来。

    Joshua sent these spies into Jericho to bring out Rahab and family .

  10. 他不是探子,这我可以肯定。

    All I know for sure is that he 's not a spy .

  11. 那两个探子要做什么呢?

    What were the two spies to do ?

  12. 把你手下最好的探子派出去,多马斯特。

    Send out your best spies , domastir .

  13. 是摩西差派进入应许之地的12个探子之一。

    Was one of the 12 spies sent into the promised land by Moses .

  14. 当然喽,每天夜里我得打发探子去探听消息。

    I had spies out every night , of course , to get news .

  15. 探子报告说米那斯提力斯已经被围。

    The scouts report Minas Tirith is surrounded .

  16. 当约书亚派两个探子去耶利哥的时候,他们住在谁的家里?

    When Joshua sent the two spies into Jericho , in whose home did they stay ?

  17. 有那么一会儿,她停下来,轻轻地吻着那探子礼服的下摆。

    From time to time she paused , and tenderly kissed the police agent 's coat .

  18. 让我们把这外星人的探子弄走,免得他伤害大家

    Let 's get this alien stooge out of here before he causes any real damage .

  19. 摩西还派约书亚与其他11个探子去窥探迦南地。

    It was Joshua Moses chose to go with 11 other spies into the land of Canaan .

  20. 神可能是为了拯救喇合的缘故,感动约书亚的心,让他派两个探子到耶利哥城侦探。

    Then God must have moved the heart of Joshua to send out spies because of Rahab .

  21. 子夜将近时,两个探子骑马回来,还带着一个女俘虏。

    It was near midnight when two came riding back with a woman they had taken captive .

  22. 当耶利哥王派士兵去搜寻探子的时候,喇合是怎么保护他们的?

    When the king sent soldiers to search for the spies , how does Rahab protect them ?

  23. 论元杂剧探子主唱模式的表演本质

    On the Performing Essence of " the Scout Playing the Lead in Singing a Story " Mode in Yuan is Poetic Drama

  24. 妓女喇合因着信、曾和和平平的接待探子、就不与那些不顺从的人一同灭亡。

    By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not , when she had received the spies with peace .

  25. 铁卫军的探子们尚且发现了还能制造出强烈的地震,屠灭蠢到敢靠近的任何生物。

    Scouts have discovered that he can create large tremors in the ground , killing anyone distracted enough to get near him .

  26. 虽然黑龙离他们有一英里远,但是这名探子却整个人都僵硬了,直到他的马儿在惊恐中嘶鸣。

    The dragon was a mile off , and yet the scout stood frozen until his stallion began to whicker in fear .

  27. 那天晚上,当两个探子悄悄地进了城,他们注意到那巨大的城墙,而且是双层的。

    As the two spies from Israel quietly entered the city gate that evening , they made note of the huge double wall .

  28. 那两个探子要做什么呢?他们要去喇合的家里,把她家里人安全地带出来。

    What were the two spies to do ? They were to go straight to Rahab 's house and bring her family to safety .

  29. 试验发现,别名探子扫描结果的完整性与目标网络和其他网络连接关系的复杂性有很大关系。

    The experiment demonstrates that the completeness of the result of alias scanning relies heavily on the connectivity of the destination network and other networks .

  30. 结论常规使用金属胆道探子探查胆道,易导致胆总管下段或十二指肠后壁损伤。

    Conclusions Routine use of metal probe for exploration the bile duct may cause injury of common bile duct or the posterior wall of duodenum .